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[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Bringing up his actions in a different job doesn't really seem to have bearing on comparing administrations. Biden has a pretty bad history prior to his presidency as well.

But also, and more importantly, judging progressiveness just by final results, without referent to the era, is not useful. By this logic, the Biden administration could literally be rolling back progress, and as long as they don't go too far, we'd still have to call them "more progressive than FDR". The only useful way to judge progressiveness is as progress made - or at least progress worked for - from the starting baseline.

I think it's reasonable to say Biden has had the most progressive administration since LBJ. I was really surprised by how good he's been, relative to my expectations.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

That's how you talk?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

I get what you're saying, here. That's why I specifically disclaimed making any judgement about whether it would be moral, or wise. But consider the other side of that same coin: the court did this specifically to overthrow democracy and allow Trump, or any other president who will carry out Project-2025 to use this power to maintain an effective dictatorship. There's no other explanation for this ruling. Would using this absurd power once, now, to restore a court that is loyal to the Constitution and People of America, be worse than letting Trump get in, assassinate any and all opposition, and end democracy? Could we trust it to end there? Would Biden install justices that would immediately reverse the ruling and bring things back to normal, or just install his own loyalists? I dunno, it's complicated.

Ultimately, it's also all just theoretical, anyhow. I find it almost inconceivable that Biden would do this.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (8 children)

Is that an act of an insane person? It's apparently legal, now. Do you broadly think that using violence against tyranny is insane? Our founders committed their lives and fortunes to the violent overthrow of tyranny. It would be much easier, sitting in the oval office, with legal authority granted to him by the very people he would be targeting, to authorize the extrajudicial execution of a few traitors. Do you think that extrajudicial execution is insane? Then you'll have to admit that most presidents in the last few decades were insane, especially Obama. Is it only insane when the target is white people in power, rather than brown-skinned people overseas?

I'm not commenting, at this time, on whether it would be moral, or wise, but insane? I can't see how.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 2 months ago

Oh, they can read, they know exactly what they are doing. The Republic has had enemies within from the start, and now they control the most powerful branch of government.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

But who, who is "you" in this scenario? Who do you think can just tell the court "no"? Let's be specific.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

What? Your colleague sounds like they may be struggling with some serious cognitive issues, they may want to see a doctor about that. As for me, I've been living with my brain my entire life, and have kept several different sleep schedules in that time, for one reason or another, including rigid adherence to a schedule you would certainly approve of, and at no time has the basic fact that my brain works better later in the day ever changed. Some people never learn that their own circumstances and experience are not universal. Maybe try not to be one of those people.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I am definitely not at my most productive at the start of the day.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Between fascist Republicans and liberals pretending to be libertarians, I think it's a pretty clear choice. We vote to live another day.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

I never heard of it, either, but sounds reliable.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 3 months ago

Your comment was, as I stated, nearly non-sequitur because you only responded to one word of the first sentence of givesomefucks' comment:

I wish the Dem party compromised as much with Dem voters as they did with trump supporters.

You responded to the word "compromised". You responded as if you were responding to a general senseless rant against the very idea of compromise at all, a position which is not even present in that first sentence, and has nothing to do with the rest of their comment, or the overall point they were making about the belligerent and dismissive attitude Biden takes toward Democratic voters, and what different approach would actually win elections - I'll quote the rest so you don't have to scroll back:

That's the best way to get Biden the votes necessary to prevent Trump.

Not the current strategy of:

Fuck you, you'll vote for me or get the fascist again

Like, this should be an easy victory for any halfway decent candidate. Instead we get an 82 year old that won't stop shit talking his party's voter base for not wanting to fund a genocide rather than social services.

In my comment, I attempted to clarify and expound on what would work, what they are actually doing, and the great gulf between these, trying to bring it back to givesomefucks' actual comment, rather than what you imagined to respond to. Instead, you've responded, again, to a comment not actually made - accusing me of somehow "demanding" something. Where did I demand anything?

And yeah, the filibuster isn't real. A simple majority of the Senate can pass anything they want. They can drop the filibuster as a rule; they can carve out a general exception; they can even just choose to suspend it for that single piece of legislation. If a simple majority can pass any legislation they want, given that they actually choose to, then the filibuster is absolutely not real. It's smoke and mirrors so they can blame the other guys. In fact, it's probably not even constitutional - there's no constitutional support for it, and the founders were explicitly against including any kind of supermajority requirement.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

This is nearly a complete non-sequitur to the comment you are responding to. If Biden laid it out like you have, said "look we're in a bad position here, we need to compromise with the fascists even though they are wrong", if he presented a strong platform with goals people could get excited about, and make it clear who and what are the obstacles voters have to overcome to get there, he could bring out the voters to get those overwhelming and consistent majorities. The same goes for every Democratic president you named. Instead, Biden is absolutely obstinate about it. He acts like the fascists are decent and reasonable people, like the only hope the left can have is to slow down the slide to the right, and like we're the problem - not the Republicans, not the right-wing Democrats, no, the only problem is that some of us would like less murder and more food, housing, healthcare and education. That's exactly why the Democrats have only had control for four of the last twenty-four years.

And the filibuster isn't real. It's literally just a made up rule they all agree to pretend matters. It can be ended at any time by a simple majority. Doing so at the beginning of a session would look more legitimate, but frankly, the so-called "nuclear option" is far more legitimate in itself than the routine abusive use of the filibuster. They choose to let it restrain them specifically so that they can blame inaction on it.

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