
joined 4 years ago

Like i have little interest in changing presentation and definitly no interest in hormones, but i do have some degree of discomfort with the concept of masculinity


(while this is inspired by meta events this isnt a meta post its just feelings im having about it right now. Im going to have to vageuly explain that without being too specific though).

When you have like, wholesome motives for something, and someone imposes untoward motives for the thing. That sucks a lot!

Ive always had trouble with people like... imposing thoughts when only I own and control my brain. My mom used to like, accuse me of being selfish for things like, say, when our adult cousins came over to help with some work on the house, and I sat in my room relaxing because it was the weekend, and she started yelling at me that Im supposed to ask to help. And my problem was she was accusing me of being actively negligent by not doing so when it was more that my brain never even thought of that in the first place. I wasnt being malicious because its not like I thought of it and proactivly ignored it. I just didnt think of it.

And now today I had warm family emotions towards an image and shared it with others, and they impsosed sexual motives towards me that I didnt have. And that really upset me because my feelings about the image werent about that at all.

I just wish people wouldnt assume like that.


So I found out a guy who we used to mutually call each other best friend is having a baby. Its been a LONG time since we talked regularly. We still live in reasonable distance from each other, but far enough that its difficult to connect. And also Ive been depressed and not socially active irl for a good 8 years now lol. My only good irl friend friend dumped me a year ago over a stupid misunderstanding. But i had no friendship ending drama with this other friend.

Anyway, I was like "hey itd be nice to be part of your kid's life". Thing is, Im very good with kids, and thats like a core part of who I am as a person, but something my irl friends have repeatedly shown that they do not understand about me lol. (that other irl friend friend dumping me's reasoning for doing it included a very fundemental misunderstanding of that for example).

Anyway, my friend there said "idk its been so long since we've talked, maybe eventually" and I was taken aback a bit. I mean, on one level I get it. The mother of his kid doesnt even know me so thats a big reason for that. But like...

OK, studies show that autistic people do NOT do the whole "friendship degrading with noncommunication" thing. Something I always found weird in the Sims is how friendships degrade when you dont talk to them frequently (unless you max them out lol). Stardew does the same thing I think? And besides finding that annoying just from a gameplay perspective, I also didnt get it because like... wait is that how people think? Because i DONT. I dont really lose feelings of affection or freindship from noncommunication alone. Someone needs to DO something to me for me to change my opinion of them. And like, me and this friend have had our drama lol. He's a bit of a narcissist, not a "cant safely be friends with him" kind of narcissist but a "friendship with him will have toxic moments" type. And he mistreated an ex pretty bad, but that ex is still friends with him so I won't impose victimhood on her. (Our mutual ex is another story there, I really need to reconnect with her someday, but I always was very confused who was the perpetrator of mistreatment in that relationship because they both seemed pretty toxic, but anyway). But like. NONE of that is 'Wow you are NOT my friend anymore" stuff. Just stuff to be aware of and work around for me. Idk.

These are not coherent thoughts completrly but I like that I can dump them here from time to time.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 8 months ago

Speaking of, are you aware of the problems that Russia has with its far right?

But if i do the reverse of this argument its whataboutism

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Conservatism isnt "when you are rude".

[–] [email protected] 9 points 10 months ago (1 children)

nothing to do with that persons race

Oh, really? Comparing an Chinese man to a yellow skinned character has nothing to do with race?

[–] [email protected] 18 points 10 months ago

Have you considered that the meme might have different impact coming from a Chinese person ribbing their leader than a white westerner echoing it? The former might be "light ribbing" but the later is racist. Who says a thing matters significantly on whether its ok to say. You know this very well because I'd hope you'd know that its not ok for white people to use the soft r n word even though many black people use it.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago

See also the most common opinion on Gonzalo (yes I know there are Gonzalites, haven't seen them around here though).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

And yet he has the nerve to call lemmygrad war crime enthusiasts. The hypocracy is off the chain.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago

Eat my entire ass and suck my left nut you piece of absolute fucking human waste. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

Listen, I'm not happy about the death of kids either, I'm just saying that revolutions are never, ever clean because oppressive violence breeds revolutionary violence and these people are angry and hopeless and you cant abandon the cause of the oppressed because of excesses. The oppressor has killed way more kids and will continue to if they're not stopped. Like its really easy to talk from your high horse of privilege and judge revolutionary movements and tut tut but at the end of the day it comes down to what you actually care about. Because way more kids are going to be killed if the genocide of Palestinians isn't stopped. And that includes Israeli kids because the Palestinians are going to fight back and they aren't always going to be perfect victims about it. Israel can stop this at any time.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Youre talking a big game for someone whos never been enslaved (or held in an open air prison).

[–] [email protected] 26 points 11 months ago (13 children)

Listen, the children are victims (women get IDF training same as men though so lol) but they are victims of Israel. Dont put children on the front line of a settler colonial project.

The Hatians killed their masters. Was that wrong?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago

How are they not the best chance they have at not being genocided? They're the only ones fighting to make it not happen lol.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 11 months ago

There is literally no difference between oppressor and oppressed, you imbecile you, absolute moron.

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