there was too many bugs in tiling WM last time i tried... which one do you use?
fucking lazy developers ....
Keeping the extremely primitive bookmark manager organized would suck up more of my time than all other browser task combined.
I use keywords for my bookmarks... way more effective then tabs... and it doesn't eat up computing power or RAM
You know that if you setup a mozilla account, you can view tabs from any device/vm? and its supposed to be e2ee
I like the idea of a tiling window manager but I found it about as effective to use a regular window manager like KDE or Gnome that allows you to snap windows to 1/4 or 1/2 the screen ... Windows even does that.
so you copy opened tabs to clipboard and want to re-open another copy?
if that's true, you are probably opting out of them telling you they are using facial recognition.... but they probably still use it.... how else would they know how to exclude you?
Fun fact: MS was onced caught using pirated audio software to create an audio file for (I think) Windows XP
why does it need to be from the clipboard?
exactly. each states, cities or even neighborhoods can be completely different..
Downtown Atlanta, moving just a few blocks can put you in a hell hole. Some stores need to have multiple cops guarding them at all times, for example.
not really if you have a hardware chip that does the encrypt/decrypting