Can they sell the name to a brand for advertisement?
"The stadium sniper is presented to you by Bud Light!"
Can they sell the name to a brand for advertisement?
"The stadium sniper is presented to you by Bud Light!"
What do you use it for?
No, you don't have only option. Did you think Homer's Iliad is such a great story because everybody behaved rationally? Just have some appreciation for drama and don't go "Meep-morp, this is the morally correct choice.".
I'd gladly save the town if it was you :P
which was realistically only one option unless you were a really selfish person
Heavy disagree. I think the ending where they sacrifice the whole town for their own little happiness has a lot of poetry to it as well. Real humans don't make optimal decisions all the time.
Schön, dass das thema "dritte Orte" mehr in die Wahrnehmung rückt. Der öffentliche Raum ist heutzutage dermaßen verwahrlost, drinnen wie draußen. Es ist alles darauf getrimmt, irgendwo irgendwas eines privaten Unternehmens zu konsumieren.
Während Straßen und Plätze zunehmend aussterben, sodass dort nur noch irgendwelche Gestalten abhängen (Alkis, Junkies. ...; explizit nicht irgendwelche Subkulturen. Das sind die einzigen, die die Viertel noch am Leben halten). Ab dem Punkt ist das Kind dann in den Brunnen gefallen und das Gelände wird von "normalen Leuten" gemieden. Beispiel: Ungefähr jeder Bahnhofsvorplatz.
Those who work forces are those who burn crosses.
What's the deal with hobgoblins, though? What is their relationship to cooking equipment?
You mean Crackhead Zilean?
Do you have some examples? I'm over playing League as well but I didn't notice stuff aside from the lunar new year skins for example.
While smelling like shit.
That's a great business model. Create the demand for your supply yourself. Wtf, this system is so fucked.