
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I mean by that logic Nextcloud is just a rebranded skin of Owncloud and Libre Office is just a rebranded skin of Open Office. I'm sure someone can chime in with a more damning real world example but the important distinction with a fork is not "do they entirely replace most of the codebase" but instead it's "how well do they maintain the project" and "how much value do they add through improvements and features"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

AI is just the latest hype cycle that appears to finally be in a cooling off phase. Just like Blockchain 5? years ago, and mobile a decade ago

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

A browser tied to a VPN provider would probably harm adoption in the wider scheme of things. That would be a next-to-impossible sell for business IT for one thing, but also the optics generally aren't great at all, especially if said VPN provider finds itself in hot water related to the primary usecase for commercial VPNs (illegal activity)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

At least it's notable when a website doesn't work correctly in Firefox rather than being a frequent annoyance

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

if Google stopped paying, someone else would pay instead.

Have we all forgotten that time period when Yahoo! was the default search provider in Firefox?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Yeah there were some people who were so certain he would sweep the floor of that crowded primary, but then he was just so rizzless. He didn't even seem to want to be there

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

The more oddly specific the police force's jurisdiction, the more scared to be if they take an interest in you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

That kept Ted Cruz out of the White House in 2016.

Don't forget about forgettable no-rizz Jeb! Bush

...please clap

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

If you think preventing predatory practices through legislation is a "nanny state" then I think you fail to understand the purpose of a government in a society with profit-driven companies

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I mean, in the US before the reversal of the Chevron doctorine, the easy solution would be to pass legislation banning "dark patterns" then assign a regulatory agency to design guidance and enforce the law

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Gambling is heavily regulated in most countries, often including requiring the odds of winning being clearly listed and regulating the profit margin that The House can take (usually limited to less than 10%)

Many casinos and developers of addictive games will hire psychologists and other experts on human condition to help them find ways to make the game more addictive and make it easier to seperate players from their money. These "dark patterns" both make gaming worse and make it more dangerous for anyone unfortunate enough to develop an addiction.

In short, I welcome regulation on the worst aspects of the game industry to keep the worst aspects from become too financially successful to not implement (see the $60 AA and AAA games that launched with lootboxes and predatory micro-transactions like this one about 10 years ago before some countries announced they were investigating regulating such practices)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

I’d also argue the ‘GAMES MUST BE ULTRA AT 4K144 OR DONT BOTHER’ take is wrong.

Some of the best games I've played have graphics that'll run on a midrange GPU from a decade ago, if not just integrated graphics

Case in point, this is what I'm playing right now:


I placed a low bid on an auction for 25 Elitedesk 800 G1s on a government auction and unexpectedly won (ultimately paying less than $20 per computer)

In the long run I plan on selling 15 or so of them to friends and family for cheap, and I'll probably have 4 with Proxmox, 3 for a lab cluster and 1 for the always-on home server and keep a few for spares and random desktops around the house where I could use one.

But while I have all 25 of them what crazy clustering software/configurations should I run? Any fun benchmarks I should know about that I could run for the lolz?

Edit to add:

Specs based on the auction listing and looking computer models:

  • 4th gen i5s (probably i5-4560s or similar)
  • 8GB of DDR3 RAM
  • 256GB SSDs
  • Windows 10 Pro (no mention of licenses, so that remains to be seen)
  • Looks like 3 PCIe Slots (2 1x and 2 16x physically, presumably half-height)

Possible projects I plan on doing:

  • Proxmox cluster
  • Baremetal Kubernetes cluster
  • Harvester HCI cluster (which has the benefit of also being a Rancher cluster)
  • Automated Windows Image creation, deployment and testing
  • Pentesting lab
  • Multi-site enterprise network setup and maintenance
  • Linpack benchmark then compare to previous TOP500 lists
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