Of course he's Black.
ChatGPT, show me the world's tiniest violin playing "No One Gives a Fuck" in A minor.
The Feds have a history of not indicting until they're sure they have enough evidence to win. Either it took them a lot of searching or they found so much they had trouble getting it all in.
Perhaps the women are tired of misogynistic religions telling them they're inferior.
He thinks he can get away with the same shit Trump pulls, but crazy as he is he's no Trump.
Heaven forbid an animal have emotions.
The world they lived in is long gone along with the food they ate and the rest of their species. It seems almost cruel to bring them back.
It’s just a chair. Next to a machine. That doesn’t arm wrestle.
The major Abrahamic religions tend to be misogynistic, though some are better than others. It's unsurprising that they're tired of it.
I'm sure he'll be prosecuted. Oh, wait, he's a Republican, nevermind.