Despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a cage.
Has met redemption limit
This is the real problem! Companies that own many many homes/ apartments are disgusting to deal with - everything is profit driven. Lost my mom recently and her house is transferring to me through the court so every day i get a dozen calls from investors, -" I'm sorry for your loss; can i buy your house? AAA Property Mgmt."
Have kids and love them tremendously but the world is such a clusterfuck that I'm ok if i don't have grandkids.
Agree. I understand expressing acceptance of non hetero love so kids know that there are other options and they're valued, but i don't need to know what labels everyone has chosen, who they're having sex with, or what is under their undies. And i believe that many people who are medically trans are chasing a masculinity or feminity that they feel is not allowed as a male or female and it's sad that the stereotype is what they're moving towards or away from instead of individuality. Also, kinda drunk, so probably disregard.
We could reduce a lot of issues if you had to do a calculus problem to get an erection.
I don't want to see your junk and I don't care who you're sleeping with. I don't understand why that's a hard position for people to take.
It's totally normal in the US. I get a monthly subscription delivered along with other occasional orders. Former president cheeto signed the 2018 farm bill essentially making it federally legal. A few states have banned it, but most places it's fine.