
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 74 points 2 weeks ago

this hit me like a mental flashbang. your wisdom is beyond all of us

[–] [email protected] 53 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

People that don't check what community a post came from on their home feed and just upvote it if they like it.

Full disclosure: that was me just now until I opened the comments, realized, then took it back. It's very easy to miss sometimes

[–] [email protected] 35 points 1 month ago

This is what happens when you step on the wrong bug a couple million years ago

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I often see this accomplished with dashed interjections - dashes! can you believe that? - as a way to break up a sentence while still continuing with a single train of thought. But I always support the invention of new punctuation, how long has it been since we got any? We're well overdue.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Bring a book or some headphones and knock out a podcast. Or drink, whatever works

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Baldur's Gate 3.

I played through one single player save and two multiplayer ones with different groups, enjoyed it all - but only got a little ways into Act 3 on any one save. A combination of middling performance with my older rig and just having sank so much time in I burnt out a little.

Still think it's a fantastic game, but I don't know if I'll ever go back to finish it - I feel like I'd have to start a whole new save.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 months ago

I will buy the explanation that the game is too old to continue to support when they stop adding new microtransactions every six months or so

[–] [email protected] 28 points 4 months ago (7 children)

Convenience and familiarity, mostly. If you go to a McDonalds you know exactly what you'll get and you'll be able to get it pretty quick.

[–] [email protected] 44 points 7 months ago (3 children)
[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago

Disco Elysium

[–] [email protected] 34 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Has anyone ever said the first statement up there in the top-left? I wouldn't doubt there's some fringe group that would, but I also think they would be in the vast minority and you'd need to specifically go looking to find it. I dislike this kind of meme for that reason, it's sowing a divide that doesn't need to exist.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 8 months ago (2 children)

PSA: If it's links on Discord, you can prefix the link with vx to make it natively embed so you don't have to click through (e.g. This also works with twitter links ( People out there hosting these domains doing the lord's work


Going back to broad strokes genres, this week's topic concerns the FPS (First Person Shooter), a staple of the overall gaming scene.

A First Person Shooter is the type of game where you play from a first person perspective (big shocker) and focuses around shooting (bigger shocker there), whether that's other players or NPC enemies. It's nice for a genre to be so plainly self-descriptive! FPS games also involve the navigation of a 3D environment, and often times incorporate standard concepts that are ubiquitous at this point like ammo management and loadouts of different weapons. This genre was heavily shaped by Doom (the original, released in early 90s), to the point where before the name FPS fully took hold, one term often used was "Doom clones". Nowadays there are many subgenres and styles paired with the FPS - class-based shooters, "boomer shooters", milsim and/or tactical shooters, twitch shooters, and others.

Here are some questions and subtopics that I encourage people to discuss:

  • What are some of your favorite subgenres or styles of FPS, and your favorite games from them?
  • Do you enjoy secondary concepts often associated with FPS games like ammo management and loadout adjustment?
  • What genres do you like to see crossed over with an FPS?
  • Do you prefer multiplayer or singleplayer FPS games? For multiplayer, Co-op or PvP?
  • What are some of your favorite weapons from FPS titles? What's been memorable?

Also feel free to bring up anything you like related to the topic! If you have suggestions for future discussion topics, leave them in the suggestion thread.

Additional Resources


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Patch Notes

Party Codes

  • New feature that enables players to join parties without adding each other as Steam Friends

Report Player Shortcut

  • Left Shift + F1/2/3/4, etc will bring up the report menu for the respective player, without having to go to the scoreboard. This makes it easier to report players for abusive behavior, or other inappropriate conduct

Stat-Sync Protection

  • A rare case has been fixed where a player's progress would reset if they joined a game server while the player stats servers were being updated. This happened because the game server would receive the player's stats as level 0, which would reset the player's progress.
    • To fix this, the game server will now no longer let a player join if it fails to fetch their stats. This will prevent players from joining the server with level 0.
    • Additionally, the backend will no longer accept saving stats of a player if their rank is less than it was before. This will help to prevent players from intentionally resetting their progress.

Objective Capture Zones

  • Sizes have been reduced to 50%/75% of their original size in some areas. This should improve the user experience in CONQ and FRONTLINE game modes, as it will make it easier to defend objectives and allow your team to spawn on them until the enemy enters the capture zone and triggers the spawn lock. This change will also make it more difficult to hide in one of the many buildings on the map and stay in the enemy objective in order to disable their spawn.

Placed Gadget Persistence

  • Players will now be limited in the amount of C4s, mines, claymores, ammo kits, etc. that they can place at the same time.

    • C4s will be destroyed when a player dies. A maximum of 6 can be placed. If a player tries to place a 7th C4, the first one will be destroyed to maintain a total of 6.
    • Claymores and mines will not be destroyed when a player dies. However, only 4 can be placed at a time. If a player tries to place a 5th claymore or mine, the first one will be destroyed to ensure that there are only 4 at a time.
  • Domination: Reviving players will no longer return tickets.

  • Eduardovo: CONQ 32v32 received a unique layout that is separate from the 127v127 playable area.

  • Salhan: RU Border has been extended on the west side (Cav exit) to make spawn camping more difficult.

  • Frugis: The last stage of Rush received changes allowing the attacking team to exit from a subway near the enemy spawn.

  • Wakistan: Domination 32v32 layout will now feature an east coast line layout. The old layout will be moved to 16v16

  • The number of players in enemy vehicles will no longer be shown on the map when they are spotted.

  • When placing walls, there will be a half-player-size space margin requirement to avoid clipping. This means that there must be at least half the size of a player between the wall and any other object, such as another wall or a player. This is to prevent the wall from clipping through other objects, which can cause visual and gameplay issues.

  • Fixed an issue where players would not switch to their primary weapon when placing a claymore while throwing a grenade

  • Fixed an issue where the friend list would not load until the party menu was hovered over

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to pass the main menu due to avatar images

  • Fixed the broken Progress Bar at the bottom of the screen

  • A bug where players could sometimes walk during the countdown on Frontline has been fixed.

  • Fixed an issue causing players to lag while using the Rappelling Rope

  • Spectator camera improved.

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