
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 26 points 4 days ago (14 children)

The Dems will preserve a political model that's at least malleable. 3rds will need to work together to push ranked choice more and more into voters' field of view.

Republicans will swan-dive into fascism, in which case 3rds (and everyone else) are fucked.

Dems aren't going to help 3rds directly, but any one who wants the possibility of a 3rd party victory later is committing political suicide by failing to vote blue as a means of buying time. Voting 3rd when that 3rd has no potential for victory is self-destructive.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 4 days ago (2 children)

3.3m / 182b = 0.0018% of Elon Musk's wealth.

What percentage of your wealth do you lose if you get caught driving 5mph over the speed limit?

This shit needs to be proportional to both severity of the crime and total wealth.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I've heard and experienced WAY too much supporting anecdote to just wave it off as confirmation bias. Official statements by telecoms and such be damned, this shit is 100% happening.

[–] [email protected] 77 points 4 days ago (11 children)

There's a lot of things to argue about, but pizza just isn't one of them. It's a chunk of bread with leftovers on it. If it tastes good on pizza, it belongs on pizza; and what tastes good on pizza depends on the tongue probing it.

Pineapple... sausage... anchovies... goat cheese... potato chips... a fucking strawberry slurpee - if you like it, you rock it.

The only wrong option is to abstain from making/ordering the pizza you want because that ingredient doesn't 'belong' there.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago (3 children)

...I didn't even know eating the tail was an option. Like, it's pure fucking chitin - there's nothing to emulsify. It's like trying to eat a fingernail, or piece of plastic.

Squeezing that last little nub of meat out of it, yeah, but the tail itself? Dafuq?

Or are we talking about that little nub of meat tucked away in the chitin hole? Just realized we might be calling two different things the 'tail'.

[–] [email protected] 120 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Useful when you need to do a total body fluid exchange in like 15 seconds!

[–] [email protected] 27 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Naw, it'll just play a metal-hitting-metal sound effect, he'll brief make eye contact with the camera, give a little smirk, and the scene will continue with no further acknowledgement.

[–] [email protected] 59 points 6 days ago


[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

34% of NASCAR fans are there for the crashes and fire though.

I mean, you just about nailed it.


Idk if this is the work of AI, or just a 3D artist who didn't get very good instructions for their commission.

At first glance: nothing special, just a collection of random instruments; but when you start to dissect it under the lens of a surgical tech (the target audience for this image) it just gets worse and worse.

So let's dissect it!

First off, that isn't even a surgical backtable - it appears to be on some kind of supply cart, with a raised lip around the edges, and random rectangular holes for handles that have folded sheet metal along the edge. Technically you could throw an impervious drape of that and it'd be fine, but you generally don't see surfaces made to support a sterile field with raised edges that go above the field. The folded sheet metal is also a no-no, as the grooves around it collect and breed the hell out of bacteria.

None of it's draped. There's that greenish material under the tray and instruments, but stops short of the edges of the cart, so there's some REALLY high contamination potential going on there. You could get away with a field like that in dental (which is just 'clean' vs sterile), but again, this wasn't sent for a dental tech position.

Instruments from left to right, we're looking at:

  1. a scalpel that's for some reason separate from all the other sharps in the kidney basin.

  2. looks like a tissue forcep - that actually checks out.

  3. ...the only times I've seen a forcep like have been in ortho sets that have a lot of plates and screws - those forceps are to grab the tiny screws from their caddy, cuz they're hard to get your fingers around, and normal forceps tend to 'slip' around the head of the screw and send it flying across the OR.

  4. that's a sponge forcep, but the end is bent in a really odd way; and it doesn't have a ratchet lock, which isn't unheard of, but definitely not common for a sponge forcep.

  5. Dental explorer, which checks out with the whole not-really-sterile thing; except if it was a dental setup there'd be a lot more dental instruments.

  6. Fuck if I know. Doesn't help that the resolution isn't great, but the operative ends kind of look flat. Bowel clamps are shaped like that, but that is DEFINITELY not an open-belly setup lol. Also - the ringed end where your fingers would go is closed all the way, but the operational end is still open. If a real instrument looks like that, then it's damaged as fuck and needs to be thrown away.

  7. Either a kocher clamp or straight hemostat - hard to tell w/ shitty res. But they have have the same weirdness with the ratchet being closed w/ operation end still open.

  8. That looks like a potts scissor, which is usually for vascular surgery. Handle is janky as fuck though, and it's doing the opposite weirdness as mentioned before: it's operative end is closed all the way, but the handles are still a tad open.

  9. Mayo scissors, which are a go-to for cutting suture. Only weirdness here is the janky handle style.

...and that kidney basin in the upper right of the tray is just chock-full of WTF. So they're using it as a sharps container - that's normal, but they've got the scalpels facing one direction and needles facing the other... that's a good way to get stabbed. ALL of the sharps are resting on the edge, meaning if you bump them just right, they'll do a flip and launch off... that's a good way to get stabbed. They've got all their sharps in one spot, except for that one random scalpel on the left of the tray. Establishing a sharps zone and then not putting sharps in it... that's a good way to get stabbed. The scalpels and needles in the kidney basin all have the sharp end stuck into some gauze or something... that'll dull or bend the super fine end, reducing its effectiveness and generating snag points that'll cause a bit of unnecessary trauma. Between the three scalpels in the basin and the bonus one floating off to the left, a solid third of the instruments displayed are scalpels lol... are they doing a Wolverine cosplay in the OR?? The blades detach... you only need one scalpel handle - maybe two if you want one ready and on stand by. Also all of them are loaded with what looks like a #24 scalpel blade, which isn't very common; and is a fucking massive blade... I could see wanting ONE of those for something like an emergency C-section when you need to rip that skin open fucking NOW, but 4 of those monsters set up with an otherwise tiny collection of instruments? lol no. Those two syringes aren't capped, which is a good way to get stabbed; or labeled, which is a good way mix up your local anesthetic with something that could cause excruciating pain.

...there's just so much wrong with this image it's comical. I can't believe a fucking hospital would choose this over the millions of OR photos already floating around the web lol.

That was a fun rant to type up. If you actually read that wall of text, hope you got a kick out of it lol!


A user on that other site put together a list of articles detailing a TON of examples of Trump harming the US military, ranging from actual policy implementations, to brown-nosing our enemies' leaders, to being disrespectful to current and prior servicemen and women.

That list has been deleted, which spurred me to preserve a few similar ones as a list here on Lemmy.

Why this is important: many people who lean right/conservative/republican do so because of that side of the aisle's ostensible support for our troops. As a veteran myself, this drives me absolutely insane, because their 'support' for us is only ever just using us as a prop for a photo shoot, after which we're immediately cast aside. Despite that, the military and veteran populations maintain a red stain through blind loyalty to a party that doesn't give a squat about our troops. This list is a resource to help slap some sense into those troops/vets, so please use/share/expand the content below.

As of now, this is just a blatant copy-paste of what I found on the other site, so if you notice something incorrect, let me know and I'll get it fixed. The posts these are from are about 3 years old, so if you know of a more current version or just more recent articles about Trump vs troops, please post those as well!


submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I played WoW a bit after its initial release through the first couple xpacs. Getting the MMO itch again, but I know the WoW I grew up with doesn't really exist anymore, so now I'm pretty out of touch.

For those of you playing / recently played an MMO, which one? How's the community? How's the lore? Gameplay in pve/pvp/rvr?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm developing some pretty odd taste in music...

I REALLY like metal, but REALLY dislike the screamy-yelly bits, which I acknowledge is kind of contradictory.

I think I just don't like vocals, period, metal or otherwise. Anyway...

The symphonic stuff especially, like Blind Guardian (Wheel of Time, Orchestral is probably my all time favorite song!), Nightwish, and Therion, are fuckin amazing; but even within that subset the vocals are kinda overbearing for my taste - a lot of them have operatics, which I also file under the "eh, I'd rather not" category. Fortunately they have some instrumental versions of their songs, AND I LOVE THEM!

...but I keep plugging them into services like Pandora, Spotify, and Youtube Music, and I get either 1) "Oh you like any type of metal? Here's a playlist of 16 hours of dudes ejecting the entire contents of their lungs into a microphone! BWAAAAAAAAAA---" or, 2) "Oh, you like symphonic metal? Here's the same 10 songs over, and over, and over again!

No amount of thumbs up/down-ing on the results appears to have any impact on the algorithm. Youtube music even gives this snarky little popup when I thumbs a song down "Okay, we'll adjust your playlists" and then later plays THAT SAME FUCKING SONG again - not even a different version, but the same URL, which is still actively marked with a thumbs down.

Side question: is there a streaming service that isn't shit for finding new metal? That actually takes into account the different types of metal?

Anywho, looking for recommendations for songs/albums. Bonus points if it has symphonic elements, but any sub-genre is golden, so long as the specimen in question has no vocals, or just -soft- vocals that don't yank the spotlight away from the instrumentals.

Alright, class is wrapping up, I can start knocking these out. Gonna log my progress here, with a rating out of 10 and any comments (all 100% subjective to my personal taste - not looking to bash anyone here!):

Cloudkicker* - 7 - only complaint is some parts get overly repetitive

Animals as leaders* - 8 - ^same

Mestis - 8

Conquering Dystopia - 9 - Ooh, really like this one!

Polyphia - 7 - Great for ambience

Dysrhythmia - 6 - ^same, but liked Polyphia just a touch more

Scale The Summit - 9

Chon - 5 - Heavy on the higher pitches, and kinda repetitive - I'd have to be in a specific mood for this one.

Tigran Hamasyan* - 5 - Didn't really care for this specific song, but thumbing through his others and am digging it.

Protest The Hero - 9 - Great energy, great variation!

The Ocean* - 9

Periphery - 8

Tesseract - 9

Porcupine Tree* - 7

Calligulas Horse* - 8

Leprous - 6 - Really liked the instrumentals; REALLY disliked the singer's voice, lol

Tesseract - 7 - Vocals not terrible, but still really prefer the instrumental version.

Sleep Token* - 7

Opeth, 2 - 7

Cynic* - 7

Haken* - 8 - bro wtf did I just listen to rofl. Bonus point for weird shit!

Katatonia piano covers vol 1, 2 - 5 - Not the metally music I was looking for, but this is going on my studying playlist.

In Flames piano covers - 5 - Same^

Dark Tranquility Piano Covers - 5 - Same^

Between The Buried And Me - Colors - 6 - This one's hit and miss for me. The hits hit hard though!

Clayman - 8 - Not a fan of the vocals, but there are instrumental versions of this that kick ass!

Whoracle - 8

Colony - 7

The Reign Of Kindo - 4

Mr Bungle's California - 6 - Simultaneously not really my cup of tea, and also catchy as fuck.

The Mars Volta, pre 2010

HORSE the band. Cutsman

Genghis Tron (pre 2010)

Baroness Red, Blue, and Yellow; Green


Red Fang




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