Shallow, maybe. But accurate? Absolutely
I have this great idea to stop an increase in organized retail theft and violence against workers. STOP PRICE GOUGING GROCERIES AND PEOPLE WILL STOP STEALING THEM!
The use of his sons death by the opposition party is even more horrendous in my opinion. Imagine having such little ammunition (against someone who is definitely not immune to critisizm) that you have to attack the mans dead son. Fucking deplorable
Stacking items and having it only take up one inventory slot in our backpack!
Pay for what you consume is a fantastic idea for a service that hasnt been free for it's lifetime, and only really grew popular because it was free. Just like every other company, it seems YT would rather keep squeezing every last cent out of the consumer in hopes of a "record profit year!".
Spoonful after spoonful of cereal with milk. Nothing worse