I have been fulltime Molly on Graphene for over a year and a half, zero glitches or issues.
Molly on Graphene is the only way to live.
I assume from whatever is natively built into it, independent of anything else since system apps are disabled.
I have Webview disabled on both GrapheneOS and Android and Navi works without issue.
I've settled on Navi doenloader that has a built-in browser for websites combined with AdAway
Chromium is not an option and it never will be an option.
If you want to be strict about privacy, in F-Droid turn off all anti-features and you'll see there is no version of Firefox available to install. You have to make compromises if yo want to install any off-shoot of Firefox.
Navi download manager that has a built-in web browser combined with AdAway.
It seems like a very helpful service. I don't use cell data which means no GPS to contribute to it. I only use apps through wi-fi exclusively.
Congratulations, would you like a cookie?
No, it will never be used anywhere in any business.
Everything GNU and FSF does is driven by ideology, and there's billions of dollars that will will make sure businesses never use or accept anonymous payment services of any kind of those businesses don't want to be charged with money laundry and all properties confiscated.
But only if they use payment services that are not part of the banking networks with verified account names.
Since you're asking, you're definitely not ready. Learn a projects formatting style for the code, work on open issue, submit patches, listen to all critiques and criticism.
Submit and the others will say when you're good. If you want to learn code correctness and proper security of code, study and go through OpenBSD's code. You could read the code for openNTPd and the code for OpenSSH, then move on to reading kernal code for OpenBSD.