RIP Affinity I guess
Während Fridays For Future hatte ich echt große Hoffnung in die Kids gelegt und war auch für ein Wahlrecht ab 16. Auch nicht die tiefgründigsten Meinungen, klar, aber junge Menschen sind potentiell revolutionärer und somit theoretisch ein Ausgleich zu den alten Leuten denen man ja schlecht das Wahlrecht entziehen kann. Leider haben die rechten Parteien Tiktok verstanden und jetzt beißt uns das richtig in den Arsch.
Noch schlimmer finde ich diese Marotte von deutschen Nachrichtenseiten einem erst zu suggerieren mit dem Kick auf „Alle akzeptieren“ könnte man den Artikel lesen um dann doch nochmal eine Paywall nachzulegen. Das sollte verboten werden.
Bin an der Langzeitstudie dran!
To be honest I don’t see a difference to Reddit other than it having much less users and content and more geeky at the moment.
Won’t me telling you how I don’t have those feelings make you even more depressed?
I have social anxiety though, so I don’t easily make new friends and even existing ones I don’t just contact randomly. I’m the worst smalltalker, I can’t bring myself to talk about meaningless stuff. I usually leave events early because my social battery is empty and I can only talk to 1-2 people there anyways and they probably don’t want me sticking to them all the time. I can’t dance in front of other people even though I love doing it at home.
Der Videotitel ist etwas clickbaity. Es wird später gesagt, dass das Problem eher Leute mit psychischen Vorerkrankungen betrifft. Der Hauptkritikpunkt ist, dass zb Apps oder Retreats das nicht anerkennen und solche Menschen einfach dem Schicksal aussetzen.
I missed the head.
I was stressed out at the grocery checkout because the scanned items were coming in too fast. While packing my stuff I managed to throw an onion high in the air, ricocheting on some stand and hitting the cashier on the shoulder.
I did the same thing, 64 GB, offloaded photos to iCloud, it worked for about 2 years, then it became a constant struggle for the next 2 years. Could not install updates unless I deleted a bunch of apps first. Let iOS manage which apps are installed? Great idea, flawed in execution. It would delete apps that I never open but are necessary for some Shortcuts to run. Also the apps themselves don’t use that much space, it’s the data they store. Now I have 256 GB. I think 128 might be fine but I thought the same thing with 64 GB back then.
Yes, on my password manager and computer logins. I love them because they are so easy to memorize and still secure enough to use in these scenarios. My Laptops are at home or with me. Someone cracking that is highly unlikely and I don't want to look up and manually type random passwords from my PW manager every time. 1Password itself needs a second long password for new devices to login, so I'm not worried about that. Everything else has very long random passwords which I store in 1Password.
Bullshit AI generated article