Can we talk about the "McBride" part?
Was it like:
Him: "Hey honey , what was your last name?"
Her: "Dude, we went over this , I'm an orphane , I don't know"
Him: "But this form requires me to fill in your maiden name"
Her: "How about wifey McWifeFace"?
Him: "No that's too silly"
This is a mobile screenshot.
There are no Dev Tools on mobile.
shall be fined not more than $10,000
Ahh.... the cost of doing business.
But cracking ed25519, or RSA , is something that state actors can't do without massive resources... What am I missing here?
Even if I reverse engineer Linux, I can't know the decryption keys for my encrypted data....
Are you saying that HDCP is not "Secured" but "Jumbled up"? If tomorrow the source code for it get released - then "The jig is up"?
alias johnny="git checkout"
johnny -b goode
Morse to QR code my gentleman.
"You disrespect me when you use the word BUY when you mean RENT, I'll show you the same disrespect by denying you any monetary gain that you normally get from ghosting your customers"
Sometimes I wish I could have the skills to hack these websites - change every "Buy" to "Rent", add a " Why am I seeing this?" and then explain that the transaction is for "Digital key revocable at any time by (insert scummy corporate here)".
Then I'll happily laugh and watch their profits drop , while they try to publish a statement defending their position.
I feel like I'm missing the context.... Where did this meme starALL HAIL THE HYPNOTOAD.
They can't give a reward for a "oh shit we're running out of hedge fund money, we need to stay solvent , let's sell out our user's data"
OK, I've read the wiki entry but I still don't understand what KVM is, or why it's needed. The last time I visited a data center - every server rack came with a laptop-esque looking control unit. What problem does KVM comes to solve? What does this invention improve upon a traditional KVM?