
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Just when the new season in World of Warcraft starts, I stop playing. I had a lot of fun, but also played a lot these last couple of months. WoW is also not a game I just play on the side. If I play it, I basically play nothing else. No idea when I'll be back, probably if my best friend starts again, but who knows if that happens.

I wanted to check out the latest re-release of Doom with Doom + Doom II, and look at the new episode, but decided to try and play through all the levels of the first two games on Ultra-Violence, Pistol Start, and no save scumming. I'm halfway through episode three of Doom, and it's not been too difficult so far. Three levels took me a few tries, the rest wasn't too bad. The main thing is a lack of ammo, especially at the start of a level, so you either got to get comfortable punching things or cause infighting. I usually choose the former, so the Berserk power-up is always a welcome sight.

Then I started Lies of P. I killed three major bosses so far and it's alright. I play on KB+M, and as always controls are just so-so. It's not like you have 60-100 keys available, so better put two or three abilities on the same button or force players to cycle through item shortcuts.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Still the new World of Warcraft expansion. While I appreciate Blizzard slowing down the start of an expansion, so you don't have to rush through everything to get to the endgame, this is a bit too slow for me. The next weekly reset on Wednesday can't come soon enough, so finally the higher difficulty stuff opens up.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I'm a certified Trails hater, but I loved the two Crossbell arc games. It's a shame those games are connected to the rest of the series, which is complete trash.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

More of the new World of Warcraft Expansion. I've leveled four characters to 80 now, and equipped two of them. My Monk and Paladin are basically "done" for now, and I'm kinda waiting for the higher difficulty stuff. Next week I'll focus on gearing my two other characters, a Mage and a Druid. While the Monk is definitely my favorite to play, the Paladin and Mage aren't too far behind. Only the Druid is a bit underwhelming, since stuff just dies too fast right now, and I need to apply DoTs to anything to do any real damage (Balance spec).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Even though I've had the soundtrack for the first game for a while and even recently bought it for the sequel, I never bothered to check what kind of game this is. Then I recently saw a video of shapez 2, and it looks really fun, so I gotta check it out sometime.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

The new World of Warcraft expansion was launched, but only if you paid for the giga edition to get three days early access (which I did). It's a WoW expansion alright.

The stuff you can do during the early access period is pretty limited, there's no real way to get a gear advantage or something, just more time to level up characters I guess. I finished the campaign on my Monk (skipping all the quest text as usual, but watching the cutscenes this time) and just started a second character today.

It feels a bit underwhelming right now, because a few of my friends, who usually play WoW all year round, are still on holiday, along with the limited things to do. The first and second week in August should get a bit more interesting, since then the higher difficulty stuff launches.

I'm also 100% done with Melvor Idle and the first two DLC and will start on the new DLC, after some more housekeeping and grinding for items.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Maybe a bad time to pick up the game again, since 1.0 is releasing next month, along with the story/campaign, so you might just get to do it all over again!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I played Tunic last December and loved it, and while I found a lot of stuff, I definitely needed some help to get the good ending. I was definitely glad to have done so though.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Another week until the World of Warcraft Expansion releases, and I used the event to level all of my characters to 70. Even my very first character, who hadn't seen the light of day in over 15 years, is now properly equipped to take on whatever may come. Too bad it's a priest, which I really don't like to play, so back into the dungeon he goes. The Remix mode also ends tomorrow, so all of those characters will migrate over to retail, which means I'll look over those and do some final house cleaning.

Then I'm pretty much done with the Diablo 4 season, but not because it's boring or anything, but I kinda finished everything I wanted to do and more. I was playing a Chain Lightning Sorcerer, but found the final item to change my build to Lightning Spear, which is just completely overpowered this season. I kinda breezed through everything, killed all the giga versions of the bosses, cleared Pit level 100, the new Infernal Hordes mode on Tier 8, and upgraded all my stuff. Today I killed some more of the Uber bosses and even got two Uber Legendaries (which I salvaged to crafter another one). I might try and push my Pit level a bit higher, and try to kill Echo of Lilith, the final Uber boss, which got reworked somewhat last season or something, so it's not just you getting one-shot by terrible hit boxes all the time. (Edit: just killed her, wasn't too bad, but you need to learn the fight a bit, so in the beginning it just feels you randomly die.)

Also, this last year or so I've been "playing" Melvor Idle, which is Runescape, but as an idle game. The game recently launched it's third DLC, but I've been holding off on playing it, since I wanted to 100% everything else first. This week I finally got done with the base game and the first DLC and am almost finished with the second DLC, although it might take another one or two weeks just grinding stuff, so I can craft the missing items. I've played a bunch of idle or incremental games over the years, but this is definitely my favorite. It's not a clicker, there is no constant rebirth or whatever, you just choose a skill and you slowly train it. The best part is, you can actually close the game and fully progress offline. The game also has an in-game mod browser with tons of mods, kinda like the Steam Workshop, which is fantastic.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

More of the World of Warcraft Pre-Expansion Event. Like last week, I leveled a bunch of characters to max, just because it's easy, even if they'll never see the light of day again (until the next event like this).

Then, the new Diablo 4 season started, and in less than a week I've basically progressed as far as the whole of last season. I went with a Sorcerer this time, currently running a Chain Lightning build, and it's a lot more fun than the Minion Necromancer last time. However, now I'm at the point where it's not just easy upgrades all the time, but grinding for those drops to feel a real difference, so the honeymoon phase might end soon. The new season mechanic seems pretty neat, although I haven't done a whole lot of it yet. It's a pretty simple wave based mode in a small room, where you just get to slaughter tons of demons and a boss fight afterward. This mode has different tiers or difficulties, most of which I haven't tried yet, so I don't know how much things change, if at all, but considering I'll probably only play another two weeks at most (until the Warcraft expansion release) I don't see it getting old.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Leveling some more World of Warcraft characters. The pre-expansion patch launched, and I've read about lots of bugs, but since I basically just play up to level 25 in the remix mode (and then boost the characters to max) I don't really notice anything about it. Only that low level characters appear to be weaker now, that's it. The pre-expansion event starts this week, so I'll check that out.

Then I finished Solasta: Crown of the Magister. The story stays kinda mediocre, and it felt like some characters suddenly lost 50 IQ near the end, otherwise some parts wouldn't have worked. I still like turn-based combat, so I generally had a good time. The game has multiple campaigns, that were added in the DLC (plus a Dungeon Maker, to create your own campaign and share in on the Steam Workshop). The first DLC campaign is supposed to be a faster pace and shorter than the main one, even if both are level 1-12, so I started that one. I did install a mod that lets you add and change a bunch of things, although I mainly use it for some QoL stuff, plus some more spells (and maybe feats) from table-top DND, so even though I'm using the same characters, I can try out some different things.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Some more Powerwash Simulator. It's neat, but has two super annoying issues. First is the water jet aiming, which just loves to jump around a bit on its own, because the game thinks there's something in the way. This is basically only an issue up close, so just moving away a bit helps (although not always possible). Second you get stuck constantly, if the ground isn't super flat, like on a roof or one of the levels is a skatepark with a bunch of ramps. That one just sucks.

Then I pretty much finished the current content in Slime 3K: Rise against Despot. It's a Vampire Survivors-like which I usually enjoy, but I'm not really sure about this one. The current Early Access version has 10 levels, that kind of try to have a gimmick or theme, but most of them are the same. They all look the same too. The final level is definitely the most Survivors-type thing. Just tons of fodder enemies, coupled with some stronger elites, with more than enough time to get all the items you want and upgrade them. It's not like it takes a long time to get there, but if those earlier "gimmick" levels are what the devs aim for in the finished release, I'm not a huge fan.

Next I tried Maniac, which is GTA 1 (or 2), but as a rogue-lite, Survivors-like game. It's just you, running and driving around a city, causing mayhem to get points and try to survive for 20 minutes until you get nuked. So far, I've done a couple of runs and won once, but it's not really that fun. The upgrades and weapons are also pretty boring. I unlocked a few more characters, which I've not yet checked out, so I'll give it a bit more time. I just hope it's not just a difference in starting weapon or something.

Finally, I'm really in the mood for a CRPG again, and thought about Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, but I know it's gonna take me like two months or more to get through, and in a few weeks the new Diablo 4 season will start and the World of Warcraft expansion after that, so Pathfinder will have to wait. So I chose another game, that hopefully won't take as long, Solasta: Crown of the Magister. I played through the tutorial a few months ago and started the game proper earlier today. I'm still at the very beginning, just left the first town, but it's a turn-based CRPG I guess.

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