Yes, you can pair used ones without any problem. They're not locked to a specific piece of hardware.
Google Glass was not AR. They were "smart glasses" with severely limited functionality for an extremely high price. That's mainly why they failed, not the privacy backlash. The majority of people don't care about privacy, just look at what information people put on the Internet.
Moondrop Chu 2 earphones. I use expensive Hifi gear at home, but those are more than good enough on the go while also being cheap enough for me not to have to worry about them getting damaged or stolen.
Nothing really. Someone else already wrote that Android is technically Linux. But you can also get "regular" Linux on mobile devices, it's just a matter of using a distribution with mobile-friendly UI as well as getting driver support for the phone's hardware. Ubuntu touch exists for example, but only works on a limited number of devices and even on supported devices it's not really suitable for the average user yet.
There is an article about him on Know Your Meme. Apparently it's just a character some guy on Twitter made.
Technically yes, but they didn't actually require it in the beginning and they even sold it in regions without PSN.
Steam refunds are easy and convenient. I wouldn't personally bother doing that just to post a "protest review" either, but it's definitely possible to do without losing any money.
No, that's incorrect. None of the previous games required it, except for multiplayer. For example you could play the Ghost of Tsushima campaign just fine without an account. This one seems to be entirely singleplayer and yet requires an account for no reason.
By and large I support them, including the ones doing more "direct" action. However, not every group calling themselves "environmental" are automatically getting my support. Some are choosing the wrong targets (e.g. Nuclear power, GMOs), others the wrong means (pouring sauces over art is just weird and not related to the environment). Greenpeace in particular is often quite misguided in their positions and actions IMO.
He went to Japan, married and became a rice farmer. You can visit his grave in Shingo, Aomori Prefecture.
Honestly, I've heard or read very little about Iraq after the war, so I have no idea what happened there since then. Unfortunately I think the country is still mostly being associated with war and crisis here in Germany. I think it's a very interesting place especially for its ancient history though. Some of the first highly developed civilizations arose there. Would love to visit places like Ur, Babylon or Nineveh one day.
It's also a problem that's getting worse. When I was in school in the 2000s, like 80% of the kids took the bus and half of the remaining ones (like me) came by bike. Now my niece goes to the same school and she's one of very few kids still taking the bus there. The schoolyard turns into a chaotic mess of SUVs every morning. I guess it goes hand in hand with helicopter parenting becoming normalized.