Too many people treat drinking like it's some kind of contest imho - like, if you don't enjoy the flavor, then why drink it, and if you do, then why ... ah... quaff it?
Do I really want to know what "quaff" is?
he quaffed pint after pint of good, good juice.
No, methinks I doth prefer mine earlier ignorance. :-P
Who doesn't enjoy our annual, third of a year long Christmas-gasm!?
No don't answer that, I know what you mean:-P.
Northeastern USA is extremely cold compared to temperate Europe.
Though that is nothing compared to north midwestern states, brrr... did you know that at some point, the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales converge? :-P
Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Even the CEO has acknowledged this. They serve you what makes THEM the most profits, not what YOU wanted, ever.
For years now, the only way to find something technical related was to add "Reddit" to the search. But then Reddit imploded as well, chasing profits over the needs of its customers.
And Twitter/X likewise is now chasing profits over the needs of its customers, causing many to flee.
As too is happening in so many other places, such as Stack overflow, and most of Hollywood itself was on strike for months, bc they have been chasing profits over the needs of its customers.
Managers think they know better than customers what you want, or at least what you are willing to put up with.
And now they are pushing AI to the rescue, to put even above the SEO results, but soon they'll have to think about actually monetizing those answers, and the cycle will repeat at the level of SEO'd AI answers.
DuckDuckGo works, for now. Maybe one day there will be a hostile takeover and it won't anymore.
Btw this phenomenon is called of the internet - yes that's the official term afaik!!:-)
Similarly, Mac OSX is POSIX compliant and therefore more truly UNIX than Linux is, fight me. :-P
Silly you, thinking that women are "people". :-P (/s) "Fearing for your life", according to those who "tell it like it is", is actually code for gentrified white men, though going to college may remove from you this privileged status.
it’s just that the only one that survived long enough to survive to the present day is the really good advice
Okay but... I thought that was basically the point, in that if the advice survived for that long, then it is worth paying attention to at least, to consider if it might apply to a particular situation? e.g. chicken soup really is good for a cold, whether we knew the precise reasons why or not.
They would if it makes their food tastier. Yum... infants.:-)
Probably b/c if they can't monetize your data, then they choose to profit from you in other ways. :-(