"we score extra points towards paradise if we die in battle!"
I think most species probably align themselves to either the galactic plane or prominent orbital plane of the local star system.
the "up" & "down" directions would be completely arbitrary, though. there's no reason to think everone would decide on a standard for those.
and species without that certain sense of appropriateness, or an overt dedication to logic, would likely not bother with a standard orientation. and especially when in orbit over a planet, I think everyone would orient their "down" towards the surface.
having a rank named for you is literally more recognition than Harry actually got.
... would smash.
(would probably then get smashed, myself, with a menhir)
That's not such a bad model. And three elite specs feels like the right number - gives you some variety in your playstyle choices without risking overlap with what already exists.
Maybe if i ever get some free time from work ever again (lol), I'll try to dive back in.
how does the newest xpac stack up? I'm a longtime player but just lately my interest has waned, but it tends to come and go and it'd be nice to know whether the newest content is worth coming back for. compared to the other xpacs I feel like they did eod dirty with how little time they gave it before releasing another full expansion (hell, path of fire got essentially two full living story releases)
or we just eyed each other from afar, but not obviously enough for the other person to notice, and never found an excuse to make closer contact.
and it's still loaded