Thanks for the tip, I didn't know that.
The most recent training cutoff point is April 2023, so ChatGPT should be able to give an answer to that.
Does that include Sponsorblock? Otherwise you still see ads, just from the content creators and not from YouTube.
Would it be also evidence for the simulation theory that there is a maximum speed of information (light speed)?
I don't know how many people are behind this, but I think they implement the consent frameworks manually, so if it doesn't work you can report the website in the extension and help other people in the future with your contribution!
Have you tried Consentomatic? It usually takes care of those and deactivates them automatically.
Bei uns war (vor ein paar Jahren) 2,20€ das günstigste, ist dann aber auch meistens Pommes mit diversen Arten von Fleisch und als Nachtisch einen Pudding oder so. Heutzutage koche ich nur noch selbst und habe da je nach Gericht einen Fleischanteil von 0-20% und eine sehr viel breitere Auswahl an Gemüse als Kartoffeln. Ich bin jetzt aber auch knapp über 30 und vertrage Essen wie in der Mensa nicht mehr so gut, das liegt mir immer so schwer im Magen. Aber mit Anfang 20 konnte ich mir sowas gut jeden Tag reinziehen und war froh günstig warmes Essen zu bekommen.
I see what you mean, I think you're right.
Yes there is competition for streaming but not for the specific content of the services. With music I can choose Spotify or Deezer or whatever, but for Disney content I can only use Disney+ or for Paramount Content only Paramount+, so they have a monopoly for their respective content if I want to stream it.
You won't get a bad service if you don't tip and in my student time I rarely tipped, but never had a bad experience with this. Now that I have the money, I usually have a batch of 5€ and 10€ banknotes with me, specifically for tips. I try to tip around 10% and the people usually are really grateful.