Freeways is a great game that makes me want to tear my hair out.
Foot with tmux is my goto.
Bit after my time
Latish Gen Z here, it never really needed to click. Its been there the whole time, so it's just a norm part of life, like it's always been. Like, I get that it's insane, but it's not out of the norm for me, because it IS my norm. My parents were decently strict when I was little, but once I hit my tweens they gave me a LOT of slack.
Ubuntu the last day I have no one had to manage little thing
I mean, makes sense given the cocaine. There's an entire book he has no me.lry of writing because he was just doing a shit ton of cocaine.
Automachef is the most unique factory game I've ever played. You make factories to handle food orders, try to reuse as many parts as possible to save cost, figure out how to handle massive rush hour mobs without burning too much power or dropping orders, and so on.
Down the line, this game has its own coding language for controlling machines and handling orders. It's got a puzzle campaign, and a whole contracts mode, all around a good time. You can make VERY tight factories, especially with late game tech.
3 meals a day is completely unnecessary, and just eating one large meal works just as well. Saves time, too. I can sleep in because no breakfast to worry about cooking, lunch can be used to just relax or do something else, and then dinner is larger, but cooking more of the same food doesn't generally take that much longer.
tips hat Thank ya kindly fer tha new file manager app, stranger Fantasy Football has basis in the real world, with added game layers on top. D&D is entirely fictional.