I've personally lived in places where the closest convenience store was 2.25 km, and the grocery store was nearly 18km, as well as places where a convenience store was literally a part of my building, and grocery stores were walkable distances.
The U.S. is enormous and varied. Take a look at truesizeof and compare the U.S. and Europe (don't forget to add Alaska and Hawaii - they won't be included in the contiguous states). Consider how different London is from rural Romania.
Saw the movie today. I concur with this astute review.
I would say there were maybe (maybe) 4 spots where it made sense to put music, and maybe 1 or 2 of those where the scene and music were done well (graded on a favorable curve). Then about 20-25 places they jammed bad music for what felt like no reason other than to slow down a movie that already wasn't going anywhere.