Early checkout?! I havent been to a hotel that restricts when you can check out, some have just boxes for the key cards.
Hey OP, could you send some links about QAZWSX? I coulndt find anything
Either you run the RP in the VPS and point to the ips on your server or you run it on the server and access it like you are accessing Jellyfin.
Easiest option is a container with Nginx proxy manager (imo) with NPM you can get free let's encrypt certs, but be aware, in case you want automated certificates, NPM will need to run on the machine pointed to by the DNS (in your case, your VPS I guess)
First time I hear that, happend to you?
Interesting. Wake-On-Lan is not only traffic, you need to send the MAC in the packages.
Maybe some shielding problem?
Do you speak english?
A bit
How much is a bit?
You see, I wouldn't go as far as to say that I have internalized the complex syntactic fabrics of the english languaje but I can make myself understood and even, under good conditions take syntactic liberties to stress my points, furthermore, although my vocabulary is not as extensive as my heart deasires, I have been making great strives to make it richer and fuller.
Was denn?
Sounds like Berlin! Bit yes, most people in Berlin will speak english with you, even sometimes when you speak german.
Yeah, Berlin is a diferent breed. They will speak english to you there, is quite common.
My experience in Germany is quite the oposit, they don't wanna talk in english and will entretain your broken german unless they literally can't unterstand you.
Even in the street I am approached in german and "I do not look german" at all.
Hmmm... I never said that. You're misreprensenting my words.
Maybe what I meant is that there should be clear and hard rules for gun ownership? Maybe I did mean that only him should not be able to own one, perhaps I even meant that only people I agree with shoud own guns. Is not possible to for you to know what I generally believe about ownership and regulation only from my comment above. So please do not put words in my mouth.
Also, bold statement comming from someone with a clear wink to Anarchy in their handle.
Doesn't really apply in this situation, does it?