
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Okay. Good.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Fuck Putin. If he would only put 1% of his heinous acts against the west into his own country, russia could progress. The west could live happy without Russia. But the west lives rent free in russians heads. Without the west, they would realize that they themself are the reason for the shithole they are in. It is not the gays. Not the Weed. It is their shitty attitude towards everything. But as long there are western countries, they can project their abysmal performance to them.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

On July 18, 2023, in partnership with Microsoft, Meta announced Llama 2 On April 18, 2024, Meta released Llama-3

L2 it’s one year old. A study like that takes time. What is your point? I bet if they would do it with L3 and the result came back similar, you would say L3 is „insanely outdaded“ as well?

Can you confirm that you think with L3, the result would look completely opposite and the summaries of the AI would always beat the human summaries? Because it sounds like you are implying that.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Maduro preparing Vzla as a refugee destination for Putin when things go sideways. Some of his Wagner Troops are allready there irrigating the ground with blood for his arrival.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

TLDR: Moooneeey

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago

I would watch that Youtube video where every entity in this list is given a short 5 Minute presentation, who they are and what they stand for. I bet it is a can of worms.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 3 weeks ago (10 children)

Year Top Marginal Tax Rate Congress President

1980 70.00% 🟦 Jimmy Carter

1981 69.13% (🟦🟥) Ronald Reagan

1982 50.00% (🟦🟥) Ronald Reagan

1983 50.00% (🟦🟥) Ronald Reagan

1984 50.00% (🟦🟥) Ronald Reagan

1985 50.00% (🟦🟥) Ronald Reagan

1986 50.00% (🟦🟥) Ronald Reagan

1987 38.50% 🟦 Ronald Reagan

1988 28.00% 🟦 Ronald Reagan

1989 28.00% 🟦 George H.W. Bush

1990 28.00% 🟦 George H.W. Bush

1991 31.00% 🟦 George H.W. Bush

1992 31.00% 🟦 George H.W. Bush

1993 39.60% 🟦 Bill Clinton

1994 39.60% 🟦 Bill Clinton

1995 39.60% 🟥 Bill Clinton

1996 39.60% 🟥 Bill Clinton

1997 39.60% 🟥 Bill Clinton

1998 39.60% 🟥 Bill Clinton

1999 39.60% 🟥 Bill Clinton

2000 39.60% 🟥 Bill Clinton

2001 39.10% 🟥 George W. Bush

2002 38.60% 🟥 George W. Bush

2003 35.00% 🟥 George W. Bush

2004 35.00% 🟥 George W. Bush

2005 35.00% 🟥 George W. Bush

2006 35.00% 🟥 George W. Bush

2007 35.00% 🟦 George W. Bush

2008 35.00% 🟦 George W. Bush

2009 35.00% 🟦 Barack Obama

2010 35.00% 🟦 Barack Obama

2011 35.00% (🟦🟥) Barack Obama

2012 35.00% (🟦🟥) Barack Obama

2013 39.60% (🟦🟥) Barack Obama

2014 39.60% (🟦🟥) Barack Obama

2015 39.60% 🟥 Barack Obama

2016 39.60% 🟥 Barack Obama

2017 39.60% 🟥 Donald Trump

2018 37.00% 🟥 Donald Trump

2019 37.00% (🟦🟥) Donald Trump

2020 37.00% (🟦🟥) Donald Trump

2021 37.00% (🟦🟥) Joe Biden

2022 37.00% (🟦🟥) Joe Biden

2023 37.00% (🟦🟥) Joe Biden

KEY [Congressional Control: Democrat🟦 Republican🟥 Split(🟦🟥)] [President: Republican Democrat]

shamelessly copied from a reddit comment - sue me

[–] [email protected] 53 points 4 weeks ago (5 children)

They must be so dumbfounded how professional the ukrainians are. They know how they would deal with POW themselfs. They know how they treat each others in the ranks. They know how they would deal with a Ukrainian POW. They would rough them up constantly and set an example on some of the POW not shying away from murder. But these ukrainians, they do not do these.

If there are two braincells left in their propaganda rotten brains, and they somehow managed to rub these two braincells together to create something like a reflection or genuine thought, they must realize that they are the bad guys. After a week or two as a POW, their grudge cant hold up. They must realise that they get treated better than in their own company.

Some might go back home one day and will struggle to connect the dots of what they experienced. Some will not speak about what happened, as it would make them "a ukraine brainwashed faggot" in the eyes of odinary russian citizens who can not comprehend a functioning society. Some will try to speak out, others will not dare. But they all bring back just another puzzle piece into a failed society and the faint idea, that the russian society doesnt have to be like that. The imprisonment as a POW might as well be the best time they ever had - and that gonna gnaw on some of them for the rest of their life. Deep down, some will realize their contraphobic society shaped their disenthral lifes. Some will stay hooked to the hate and harm and transfigure it as a part of the "russian soul". Others will question yet again on why russia can never get better - and who is holding them back from better lifes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (5 children)

"Journalist". The shutter button can kill as many brains as a trigger if the intentions are rooted in evil. Fuck him and fuck his lies he told his own people and tried to misinform the rest.

[–] [email protected] 83 points 1 month ago (3 children)

"Yes I know the customer learned that product name and has a good connotation with it, but how about we change the name to something completely different?"

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (5 children)

My cat is weird. Do you think she might be a republican?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Disgusting. How was the merger of Facebook and Whatsapp allowed in the first place is beyond me. FB Messenger and WhatsApp are the most popular messenger services in the western world and are coming from the same company. The illusion of choice.

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