True, but I think the context of her being a big influence on his decision to call off the marriage was a big mistake. Making it a musical number was salt in the wound. If they downplayed the former and did the latter in a different episode I don't think it would be so bad.
She's a great character but I only liked Chapel until she did Spock wrong in the musical episode. He pretty much (spoiler) left his fiancee for her (end spoiler) then she basically spaces him a few episodes later.
Because they wanted to be or are extremely patriotic and want to win the war.
I would wager 100% of people surveyed would not want to go to jail for giving the wrong answer too.
The scary part is I've seen a schism in the left on this. There have been times where people proclaiming rights for Gaza in the same breath compare Jews to Nazis even though the problem is with the state not the people. Everyone on the left agrees it's a human rights issue for both sides but unfortunately some are picking sides.
Meanwhile the Jewish people are backed into a corner so things are going to get irrational from them as well. Although I am not Jewish myself I am very close to many and all of them are anxious wrecks over this. Every other faith has multiple nations which have their religion as a state religion but Jews have only one choice if that's what they want. The ideal situation would have been surgical strikes against Hamas but Netanyahu gonna Netanyahoo.
Devil's advocate. Tuvix and Neelix didn't want to die either. Maybe if star-fleet wasn't so afraid of cloning and kept copies in their buffers longer we could have had all three.
Wait, so are you telling me "Elmo's Song" was originally ******'s song?
You know how many babies get abducted from hospitals?! Arm them too!
I'm gonna move me to the country, gonna eat me a lot of peaches.
It's a good day to UwU!
Devil's advocate, in a dense suburban setting it keeps that land from being paved over and turned into a commercial zone. But when it is in a rural setting, absolutely.