You're handsome
Jezus fucking christ
Loving someone means caring about them deeply. Being in love with someone means you also care deeply about them but you also can't and don't want to imagine your life without them. It also means they're the only person you want to be intimate with and you'd rather not be intimate at all with anyone, if it's not them.
At least that's what it means to me.
It's more a feeling than anything else, it's very visceral, once you've felt it you just know what it means. It's like those butterflies in your stomach, your heart beating fast, your breath catching in your chest.
It's not like that for everyone and it sounds cheesy but it's true.
This kid is going to feel so embarrassed looking back at this after a few years... He's only 16.
I mean I had the same with ex girlfriends too, but friends??
Most of my friends are women but I don't think they'd ever ask me to do this. But OP is gay so it makes sense knowing that.
Ah oké it all makes sense now haha
I find this incredibly hard to believe
Maybe try and see if they are suffering mentally? Mental illness like depression can slow down brain processes.
Haircut sure, tan tho?? What are you 45? He also needed some different glasses and maybe hit the gym more. I hate how that makes me sound haha
Isn't it the same thing with muscles? If anything guys are even crazier about muscles than women