
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] -4 points 9 months ago

Ignoring the fact they went from 4 to 8 clients.

You think the 3.2% is on the order of single digits of machines? You think 3.2% market share is 8 people?

Obviously you don't. It's 10s of thousands of machines and you exaggerated the actual situation so far it no longer made any sense.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Except he's completely wrong because containers work specifically to solve the problem of deploying across different configurations. Valve already figured this out a decade ago with the steam runtime. That's why I can run a relatively obscure OS like Bazzite and nearly my entire library of AAA just works like it would on any other distro. You can run a container across hundreds of thousands of different configurations, it doesn't matter.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 9 months ago

The US has never been a country that's good or fair. It's only very slowly gotten a little better through the sweat and blood of good people.

If we want it to get better it's going to be a lot of difficult and painstaking work.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago (3 children)

A lot of teens in the US have jobs; I've worked since I was 14. At $10/month that's like 1 fast food meal, and if you use it as your major chat platform that's easily worth it for the convenience it offers you. And teens don't generally have other major bills to pay.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Apple, Google, and Microsoft commit antitrust violations too fast and numerous for the legal systems to keep up.

That and they spy on consumers for the US government so that gives them free passes at a lot of things.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 9 months ago (2 children)

It's 35m deep - for comparison recreational scuba divers go up to 30m deep and professional scuba divers up to 60m deep.

It will have to be well engineered and difficult to repair compared to a land facility, but nothing compared to like the space station.

Very cool idea, after 25 years there should be significant cost savings overall.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Damn you my go-to password in the 2010's was "P4nc4kes!".

[–] [email protected] -1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Since you're either unable or unwilling to engage in any further, I'll tell you what it looks like right now:

Any rational well-adjusted person will be pro-trans rights. Therefore it doesn't make a good enough loyalty check for a rather high-key cultish group. The neo-pronouns are the loyalty check. Neo-pronouns have nothing to do with being trans, everything to do with checking to see if someone fits into the cult.

Hexbear weaponizes accusations of transphobia the exact way Israel weaponizes accusations of antisemitism. It's nothing to do with trans people or Jewish people, and everything to do with the cult. You are either with the cult, or you're against it.

At the end of the day, Israel is bad for Jews, and will happily sacrifice the rights of Jewish people around the world, I think Hexbear is bad for trans rights, and will happily sacrifice the rights and safety of trans people anywhere in the world to achieve its own political goals. For example, Dems in the US might be trash, but they are also the only change trans people have right now. I think Hexbear would throw trans people in the US in front of a train if it meant a geopolitical win for them.

So call me whatever you want; when it comes to afab and amab people who want to be identified as a brother, a sister, or a sibling, they have always had my unwavering support. When it comes to Hexbear and the neo-pronouns, that is demonstrably the real transphobia, and trans exploitation. And I am still waiting to hear otherwise.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 10 months ago

Also gonna bug you again because I am so thirsty for conversation around this.

I am not trans, but from what I've seen and experienced from people close to me, especially in the midwest, living as a trans person is difficult and dangerous. There's so much work to put in to be perceived a certain way, which bathroom is it safe to use, getting medical care, getting hormones and transitioning, who is it safe to come out to.

But then you can have over here a super privileged white man, who decides he now goes by neo-pronouns, puts no work or risk in and retains every privilege in society of being a white man.

This looks to me in absolutely no way comparable to what it's like to be trans.

I would say something like, I feel like neo-pronoun people have culturally appropriated the struggle of trans people. You can pick up some neo-pronouns and get all the leftist points, without actually putting yourself on the line the way trans people put themselves on the line.

I'll take the L again and say the above is coming from a place of personal ignorance. I am an ignorant asshole. I'm very interesting in learning different and even better perspectives.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

So maybe you can help me out with this bit:

Where I'm at right now, I feel like trans inclusivity means, that regardless of being born afab or amab, if you want to be perceived and treated by he/him pronouns, she/her pronouns, or they/them pronouns, you deserve that recognition and treatment.

That is currently where I am at for trans inclusivity.

I support that, in my workplace and in my community.

Am I falling short here? Am I not reaching far enough to be trans inclusive?

Edit: SA was a different thread, it's somewhere way back there in my history.

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