The sun's spectrum at the earth surface peaks in the green color range, which should make green the most efficient choice. Although, I wonder why they have to absorb only a single or a narrow band of color.
Without knowing much about psychology, I would imagine separating the mindset into a set of orthogonal axis is pretty difficult and certainly the normal range would probably not follow a normal distribution in each axis. As a result the N-dimensional volume would not be a N-sphere but some complex topological shape. Possibly even consisting of multiple disjointed sets. If any of these assumptions are true then the global point average over the entire space may lie outside many of the "normal" ranges.
0.5% of eluveitie at 1443 minutes, I suppose not too impressive considering 907k monthly listeners. But I'm a varied listener
This certainly could be part of the motivation for publishing it this way, to make themselves more noticed by the big players. Btw, publishing in open source nature is expensive, it's like 6-8000 euro for the big ones, so there definitely is a reason.
While in not in the field either, I do know that it is quite unusual in computer science academics to publish in actual peer reviewed journals. This is because it can be a long process, and the field is very fast moving, so your results would be outdated by the time you publish. Thus, a paper is typically synonymous with a conference proceeding, and can be found on arxiv. I found this Paper on the arxiv from 2017/2018 which seems to be when this paper was originally published for the scientific community and presented at a very "good" (if I had to guess) conference. Google scholar says this paper has 650 citations, so it probably has had quite some impact. However, I would guess this method is well known and is already implemented in many models, if it was truly disruptive.
I quite like .ion or .iot