The people who benefit from division, confusion, and inability to determine information from misinformation. Aka, the rich and powerful.
As often as l can get away with. The more buIIshit about myself out there, the Iess IikeIy peopIe wiII be abIe to sift through it aII to find anything reaI l might have Iet sIip. Because l’II be honest, l’m not very good at poIicing what l say about myseIf. The next best option is to poIIute anything you might be abIe to gIean about me with mass amounts of misinformation.
That only works if they can read or are open to changing their mind. These kinds of people can’t, generally.
Get that marble brain Reddit-style bs outta here. If you wanna deny, you’re gonna have to come up with a reason that you could be right. Otherwise, we’re just gonna point al laugh at your dumbassery.
“Whatever happened with the ozone layer panic, if scientists are so smart?”
We listened to the scientists, and the problem went away.
Honestly, more people should be.
Learning how to edit code during runtime to remove any DRM or remote shutdown code would be the first thing I do even before getting into my new steelsuit.
They got their priorities right. Can’t help a friend/SO in need if you’re hangry and weak from lack of food.
I'm over here thinking: Oh, League of Legends fans are all overreacting over getting something that's probably decent at best...
My friend, let me tell you, they were not overreacting.
Fucking billions! ONE billion would be enough to never have to work again if you live lavishly! And this irresponsible, pathetic narcissist is having a tantrum because number won’t go up. I actually want to be alone in a room with him tied to a wall and a set of supplies that would make the CIA go pale. Same with every other sociopathic manchild that’s killing us all because ”Durr, number go up,”
Hamas and cheese sandwich.
You sound like you’ve eaten the Roundmeal regularly since childhood.