It's unlikely for a nation to "fall" into democracy
Eating out every day is already unhealthy, if you limit yourself to take away places you're really asking for trouble
I once spent a week on a project with a colleague who's, let's say, kinda intense... You know smart guy and hard worker, but he always wanted to have the last word, whenever you explained something he never really believed you until he tried himself... Whatever, his work was ok, but as a person he was really exhausting. He left the customer's before I did, the first evening I was alone I was so people-tired that I didn't even go to the restaurant (it was in the hotel!), I stopped for groceries at a supermarket and ate in my room!
"Hey, mind if I sit here?"
"Wow, rude."
As a former travelling worker, I ate a significant portion of my meals alone at a restaurant, never thought it could be perceived as weird before these memes started floating around reddit
Yeah but if they're tourists they're not at home, by definition.
I'm basing my comment on my experience with them here in Italy
So you're an accelerationist
"Did you ask them for their consent before putting them here on display, naked?"
Yeah, got it for free on epic, assumed it was a game on dictatorship for reason... What a trip it turned out to be
The jumping can happen both ways
I'm Italian and here public healthcare gets worse every day, thanks to continuous budget cuts and political incompetence. Nowadays if you want get blood tests in my region you have to wait months, or go through insurance, usually provided by... Your employer. Fuck them all.