The dependence had been very much encouraged. The political influence there was a core strategy and very effective.
Yes. You corrected a dyslexic. Well done.
That is more down to poor marketing. Here on Lemmy or reddit there are big open source communities where you can extol the values of it.
I never went with a software project from random scrolling. It has no value to me if it doesn't meet a need I have right now.
No contributor is going to be good that doesn't use it.
Why would it be? Software is good based on it's use and recommendations from real folk, not *s. Many project not on github
Minecraft is one of the biggest games on the planet. Very popular with the young. Not what many would consider beautiful.
That is quite a mixed bag response. Leaves me between they won't do nothing, and they might do something.
Anyway, that's enough about yourself...
Feels like you never truly where on Reddit if you felt it was a beacon of warmth and friendliness. Did you ever share an opinion contrary to the prevailing opinion on there?
Not perfectly optimised is fine, but non-functional isn't acceptable. I've never seen a quirk personally, and quirks aren't a good reason to help maintain Google's monopoly on web standards.
You may say less than 5% is fine, but it could be the margins in a low margin industry. 2% could be 40% of the profit.
I haven't seen a team operate where a senior isn't checking it.
Usually the bleeding edge stuff is used by small companies trying to establish themselves because they have nothing to lose and no reputation to protect.
Plus, when you got Browser Stack, you catch a lot of problems like this.
Because in web development there are compatibility tables of what features work with which browser. If a developer has used a feature poorly supported, they either haven't done their homework, or intentionally made that call.
In web development, most reputable Front End Devs would not choose bleeding edge, barely supported features even if the temptation was there because the user comes first. Generally, you wait until it has been adopted by the main browsers (chrome, safari, ff).
Isn't this just the tech version of cuckooing?
Illegally using someone's property to make profit from dodgy business.
Stardew Valley