Which of these are used to make printer ink?
In addition, the only party with a serious bill proposed to expand Social Security is the Democrats, which would be paid for by raising the cap where taxes are currently paid on only the first $147,000 of earnings. Republicans plan to sunset and privatize all of our benefits, throwing the elderly into poverty just so Wall Street can skim a few billion off the top.
More likely he didn't exist other than as an itinerant preacher. It would be weird for the son of the creator of the universe to redo party tricks already attributed to previous gods.
I bought an $800 half stack guitar amplifier in 2009 and rarely play with the volume above 1, let alone play shows with it. But it looks neat.
When a campaign hires staffers like Stephen Miller, and the candidate has said neo-nazis and white supremacists are fine people, that right there is likely the reason.
My anecdotal experience is 'temporarily embarrassed millionaires' lean Libertarian and imagine they'll be young and healthy until they're old and wealthy.
"pinching pennies" implies more control over the situation than "stagnant wages, rent, student loans, etc. have made meals for one person over ten dollars a rare luxury"
Nobody even notices at Wal-Mart