I also want the DOJ to peg Apple.
My thoughts also. Break. Them. Up.
Ubuntu on an orangepi 5 when it released, now Linux Mint dual-booted to windows (haven't booted into windows for ages now) on my main rig. I'll figure out making VR work at some point I hope, it's all I really use windows for now.
Take my angry upvote, you heathen.
Literally spittin facts
I live in a country that spends half the year on fire, my doomerism is justified (and worsening with the constant lack of action on climate change).
Agreed, especially with the urgency part.
There's a whole bucketload of TV series/anime I've not kept up with because "I'll just catch up later", and I still have yet to watch the latest "final season" part of AoT lmaooo
Dial-up internet (and I'm only in my 20s!)
As a former Cyanogen user I agree wholeheartedly.
All 35 seconds magnificent missionary.
E: that includes undress/redress.
Nearing 6mo since I booted into my windows drive (been a daily user since 98)
This sign won't stop me because I can't read!