What is this man's sketchy past?
Good to see all this support for your incorrect assumption. Good to know.
I opened the newspaper daily to his comics in the 90s. He retired 1995. Even if my birthday was 97 that's not "a while before I was born".
I think there doesn't have to be a reason why someone would find this unfunny.
At the very least, rolling with it or especially having someone roll with what you have to throw at them/the world has to be somewhat rewarding.
Hooked. Like social media sites? Wouldn't know anything about that!
So many of these are just not funny. I don't get it. I remember Far Side being somewhat funny. Overwhelmingly, the one's I'm seeing here are not.
So where are the mouthbreathers that were on about Hillary Clinton's emails day in day out, huh? I'm sure they'll be equally upset...
Crazy because I feel like their catalog was better at one point, but has gotten worse as studios make their own services and claw back their programs into them.
Because I've been using it! I just keep on rolling with it. No reason to change. 15 years maybe.
I think they floated something like that, but there was push back.
The normality of all of this is worrying.
Yeah but if you ever get a cat on your couch for analysis all it tells you is meow. Tough cookie