Fell down ice skating like four days ago. Not the best skater!
Absolutely gorgeous
Creating a community here is easy, anyone can do it. Creating an infrastructure linking local groups together... that's another matter. Both logistics and software, because lemmy isn't really designed for it. And the audience isn't big enough to support it, either. At least not yet.
For now, on the Lemmy side, I think a catch all generic place is best. Mostly because I don't think there are more than a few to at most ten thousand kinksters on Lemmy right now anyway.
Creating private chat groups is another matter. I honestly think Matrix chat is the best approach for secure and private group connectivity in the FediVerse. Though some might argue for Signal.
As a community kinkster, I'd love to have your input and community involvement though. Thank you for posting!
Yes! Gorgeous! And thank you for sharing!
Beautiful. Love your piercings.
Thanks! He's 8. It gets easier as they get older. Until puberty. Then it just gets all fucked up. Lol
Preparing dinner for my kid. Getting him showered and put to bed. Then some late night work to meet a deadline.
Yeah, it was super fun!