You're not going to like this: All my friends who used to visit 9gag now get their memes from Instagram.
Wait, Reddit is pro-Israel now? I haven't been there in a while (to be honest, since before this topic escalated) but that surprises me
Keeping it at seconds still makes it relatively comfortable for me. Bananas per minute (BPM) is where it's at
Lmao I was sure that on this one you had taken Heathcliff from the stage and edited the sign. Guess not!
Man, same on the point about YouTube shorts ruining my attention span. The only thing keeping me from an addiction, I feel, is a feeling of guilt when watching shorts instead of long form content.
Whenever I do watch long form content it ends up being more fulfilling and entertaining, too, so I have no idea why our brains are so biased towards short form content.
Trust me. We're never gonna let you down.
I'm glad life ends but I'd rather have a few more centuries before it does! The two ideas are not mutually exclusive
Yes! I talked a bit to ChatGPT about my mental health to see if it would help (sometimes I just want to scream into a void that I'm stressed, and having the void talk back sounded amazing. But it never helps).
It always responds exactly like this, with exactly the same expressions. I'm kind of sad for the other user now.
Man, I was enjoying Deus Ex, but I ended up dropping it halfway through. It wasn't even a decision to do so, I just stopped playing due to being busy and being in a frustrating part in game (I don't even remember where or why, last I actively remember is Hong Kong, I think, but I don't think I dropped it there). Maybe I should try to finish a playthrough soon
I'm so glad to hear other people with the same opinion! Everywhere I go I see people complaining about the negativity and toxicity here and I'm like... Where? I've had nothing but positive interactions. I'm really happy reddit went through the API fiasco because I'm having a better time here than in late stage reddit.
How deep was the dive? Thinking that these guys do these dives regularly without ever doing safety stops is giving me decompression sickness by proxy