
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 13 minutes ago

You're getting crazy downvotes, but honestly you have a point. Take away the 3rd and 4th panels and the comic is still complete

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Snowboards definitely have steering, you twist the board and shift your weight to manipulate how the edges contact the snow, it's just not quiet as explicit as a bikes front wheel. But whether it's a bike, a board, or literally any moving thing on land, the steering happens because you applied a lateral force to the ground and an equal and opposite force was applied back to you.

The snowboard uses different methods of applying that force, but other than that it's the same concept as described in my first comment: Greater speed allows more subtle corrections to take effect more quickly.

Now the snowboard does have a wider contact area with the ground, but that really only helps you on flat ground at very low speed, or standstill. Advanced boarders will carve transitioning from edge to edge most of the time.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

I just nab one of these bad boys every few years. Don't fall for big-electrolyte's propaganda

[–] [email protected] 16 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (6 children)

I'm surprised how much I'm seeing gyro brought up in these comments. It's a factor, but it's practically negligible. It's all in the steering. Start to tip right, and you'll subconsciously steer slightly to the right to correct your balance. Try to ride as slow as you can and you'll find yourself doing these corrections much more frantically and dramatically. The reason for that is because it takes longer for the wheel to roll under your center gravity and "catch" you when you're going slowly so you have to turn in quicker to maintain balance.

Notice that on almost every bike you see, the front axle on the bike is slightly ahead of the neck's axis of rotation. That offset does two things: 1. It stabilizes the steering so that the bike will tend to steer straight and 2. (more important to my point) It makes the balance-correcting effect of steering more immediate and dramatic, making it much easier to ride at slower speeds.

As a counter argument showing why gyro is barely a factor, these exist: image of a ski bike

Edit: if you're not seeing the image like I'm not, Google "ski bike".

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Logically yeah, the latter statement implies former

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 hours ago

The wasps local to me will literally chase people, it's nuts. You can practically hear them saying "Come at be bro! Wait come back here I wasn't finished with you". I can't even have picnics certain times of the year because of them, because instead of just making a run for the food like other bugs they like to chase you away first. I once had to finish my little caesars in the car because a wasp was trying to get between me and my pie in the park. I was literally watching the fucker throw it's body into my windshield repeatedly as I continued eating in safety, and it didn't stop until I drove away. Psychotic man. I don't mess with wasps. Our bees are awesome though.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 20 hours ago (5 children)

Why is the switch talking to itself? Is it stupid??

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I'm antsy about pirating software and games because of malware, but movies and shows? Just go to a reputable site and choose a torrent with a lot of seeds and it's pretty safe. Personally I have an old laptop dedicated to running a jellyfin server streaming torrents, so even if I did download malware there's nothing of value on the drive

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

No it's definitely not the same. A tan suit is just a matter of taste (pretty good taste if you ask me), and a laugh is part of you, it can't really be changed, not honestly anyway. But nobody is just a "stinky" person, that's a reflection of a lack of hygiene, a skill and habit that every competent adult and older child should have mastered, let alone a candidate for the highest office. How can he care for his constituents if he apparently doesn't care for himself?

[–] [email protected] 33 points 2 days ago

Grownups wash themselves, that's the whole reason this is newsworthy

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Breakfast sandwich. Eggs, ham, steak, and cheese on a poppyseed bun. Honorable mention to the humble breakfast burrito version too

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Of the MCU shows, I've only seen Wanda vision, Loki, and moon night, but of the three wandavision is honestly my least favorite.


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