Not when you've agreed to a terms of service that hands over ownership of your content to Stack Overflow, leaving you merely licensed to use your own content.
The return items aren't inspected thoroughly before getting tossed into these pallet auctions. Any open-box return goes straight to them, which enables all kinds of return fraud like this.
Look, words!
Don't worry, YouTube, I won't be using your website anymore. But my yt-dl will be ripping max quality videos by the hundreds, just for shits and giggles.
I just upgraded mine to a 512gb flash drive after blowing out a 256gb... maybe I have too many distros
Just something to keep the lawyers busy and paid. Unless there's copyrighted content inside the repo (which doesn't appear to be the case), this will go nowhere
That's because it's a menu button, not an ad
There are no ads in your screenshot
Do the Switch emulators have any way to do online play with friends who own an actual switch?
They also put "warranty void if removed" stickers on everything, yet can't legally void your warranty if you remove the sticker and open a device.
+1 for Unraid, setup is super easy and being able to mix different size disks is pretty awesome. Their Docker catalog is nice but I try to avoid spinning too much up on my NAS itself- its CPU is a hand-me-down from one of my old gaming PCs.
It's just digital files, any police department can release body cam footage quickly. They just don't want to.