I agree. Pokemon once was my favorite video game series, but it has been technically and to some extent creatively stagnant for quite some years now. And whenever people point that out online, there is always a vocal horde of fans coming to Gamefreak's defense, saying things like "Pokemon never looked good". Which wouldn't be a good argument, but it's not even true. Pokemon games were never technically advanced, but they had a simple, clean look in the 2D/2.5D era. S/V has some really appallingly low-res textures in places that wouldn't have looked out of place on the N64. It just looks muddy and inconsistent to a point where it's distracting from the game itself. At the same time it runs at sub-30 FPS quite often.
Probably the only good looking Pokemon games we got this generation were the "Let's Go" ones. Those had simple but consistently good-looking graphics just like the older titles.