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Das Narrativ steht inzwischen nunmal über den Fakten. Ein Bericht mit Zahlen, Fakten und Belegen kostet Klicks, wenn er der Erzählung aus Deutschlands propagandainduzierter Psychose widerspricht.
Denn wer will schließlich schon hören, dass er erfolgreich manupuliert wurde? Also darf sowas oft höchstens noch als Meinung erscheinen.
Merzfans sind vermutlich überdurchschnittlich Abonnenten, also will man diese nicht verschrecken. Insbesondere da dort eine außergewöhnliche Schneeflöckchenquote herrscht. Obwohl diese gerne betonen wie sehr ihnen Meinungsfreiheit wichtig sei
Ich behaupte es ist ihm auch einfach egal, solange er Kanzler wird ist ihm völlig wurscht wie es der CDU oder Deutschland danach geht.
I wonder if this will cause the CDU to fracture in the future. Surely there will be many moderate members who just fell in line. The same happened in the British Conservative party.
Sure, one can hope, but they are called Kanzlerwahlverein and they were fine supporting Merz over any moderate candidate.
I think having a smaller, more reasonable conservative party in the political center would be a healthy thing for German democracy. The CDU left a void after their shift further right.
Kinda funny how the liberals (FDP) shifted to the right, too, but instead of becoming moderate conservatives they just overshot and became reactionaries as well.
Capitalism leads to fascism and the FDP had shifted from a social liberal to a neoliberal course some 40 years ago. Social liberal aspects only have been used to get young people to vote for the FDP, but their idea of liberty has been the liberty of money at the expense of everyone else.
Look at Elon Musk and how his style of "Liberalism" has moved to Fascism. It has a lot of similarities with the FDP.
Before I digest the entire Wikipedia article on the topic -- when did the Tories split? And which faction won?
They didn't exactly split tbh, the populist wing of the party (called the ERG) just gradually became the dominant one during Brexit (after Theresa May resigned). Today they have so few seats (120 as opposed to 300+) that there is even just numerically less room for moderate (aka. One Nation Tory) MPs.
Yeah but they also did a phenomenally bad job at keeping the population from descending into poverty because they wanted to line their own pockets. In Germany, people are still better off on average than in the UK so their ignorance and lethargy are still keeping the conservatives afloat. Once standard of living drops to UK levels, things might actually change but then it's Germans, so they might very well not lol
bad job at keeping the population from descending into poverty
Oh absolutely