Warhammer 40k
A community dedicated to the universe of Warhammer 40k, a tabletop setting in the far, distant future.
This is a general community for 40k miniatures, art, lore discussion, and gameplay discussion.
- Keep it civil.
- No memeposts/shitposts. Memes are great but direct them to grimdank.
- Please mark any posts containing realistic nudity or realistic excessive gore/violence as NSFW; this rule mainly applies to cosplay and realistic drawings rather than miniatures. Being that 40k is inherently violent, this is a judgement call, and mods may occasionally request posters add tags.
- No political or social cause agenda pushing.
Helpful Links
- 10th Edition Rules
- iOS Warhammer 40k App
- Android Warhammer 40k App
- 3rd party site for running Kill Team games
Related 40K Communities:
Other tabletop hobby communities:
That is way more work that I put into it. Well done.
Looking good! I really enjoy doing terrain
Thank you!!
Fabulous, dude. I'm slowly inching into painting minis. I'm interested in kill team exclusively at this point though.
Thanks! I got into the hobby starting up a Blood Angels army via Combat Patrol but then played a few games of Kill Team and got hooked. Kill Team is tons of fun and as slow as I paint, it’s enjoyable to actually finish some projects 😆
For sure. I have painted a lot but I go too fast and don't do well. Need more patience.
At least it feels like a lot. I guess just 2 boxes of minis.