Be careful with the pliers. Don’t twist the jaws at all or they’ll break. Mine lost to a 3D printed plastic part and I was honestly surprised how fragile they are.
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I am fairly certain that's a manufacturing defect, seems like a flaw in either the metallurgy or the tempering process, did you send it back to Leatherman and let them know? They have a pretty generous warranty.
Yes, they replaced them no questions asked but I did have to pay for shipping it to them.
From what Ive seen they break left and right, the steel is rather thin with that logo emboss and the crack surface was without any ductile deformation so it is quite brittle too. It’s a shame because I really like the design and the fact that it doesn’t try to be an entire toolbox. Just pliers, a knife and a screwdriver. I guess it’s just not very good pliers, knife and a screwdriver.
This is why I switched from a multitool with pliers to a Swiss Army Knife and XS Knipex Cobra pliers. Overall smaller and lighter than most multitools, and higher quality materials.
Exact same thing happened to me. They replaced them no questions asked, but I'm way more careful about where I use the plyers now.
Seems similar to the Leatherman Squirt series (2.5" multi tool). I remember reading reviews about squeezing them as hard as they can and not breaking. I even did it myself. But something fatigue and eventually they'll just snap at what you thought was reasonable force. The spring arm on the scissors also snaps on them. They're discontinued now which is a shame since there's no direct replacement, but at least the used/damaged market has leveled out to something more reasonable. My xS4 has been part of my edc since 2018. Lost a PS4, broke an ES4 pliers, and now have another PS4 with a scissor spring that broke last year.
Ty 4 the heads up.
Did you know leatherman has a screwdriver bit kit that you can use with that and some of their other tools?
And if you loose one bit you can’t get it separately.
I have that. It works surprizing well. The bits don't always stay in the tool, but I consider it a good tradeoff for being able to carry 36 bits in such a small package.
where is the safety glass punch on skeletool?
It looks like the "screwdriver bit" is actually a punch. I've not seen that before.
you're right, it seems to be the bit
I carry the CX, and love it....
Nice. It's my first.
Your post reminded me I wanted to swap my 2x flathead bit for the flathead/carbide windscreen breaker bit... I've just ordered two..
Also: not endorsed as a hammer, but makes it easier to use in your palm:
Okie dokie
Have the topo version. It's pretty awesome. Not as inconspicuous as my small swiss army knife for carrying casually but has more useful tools
Aaaaand it’s gone.
I still have my original Skeletool. Now I wish it came in red back then.
paint on tools is always a problem, original skeletool is beautiful
Problem? Ive had the red skeletool as my only edc for over 10 years, it still looks great. I consider the worn paint on most of the exposed corners and such the same as i would a patina or whatever.
Nice. My first.