wrong year. making russian lives bad was before it successfully ended the terrible UDSSR regime.
like they did learn anything when it was open with Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow. russians as a whole havent learned basic lessons of civilisation. your logic also failed in china.
did you visits a school yet?
it never was chinese. maybe check what happened between 1895-1945. before that the chinese scum eradicated the indigenous people. in 1949 the chinese cowards retreated from the stolen land. (Chiang Kai-sheks) so rule of war from 1949-1987. and then in the 90s some chinese wankers had to compensate for their small dicks and had (again) fantasies of anexing taiwan, hongkong, vietnam, tibet etc.
basically china is a shit land with very shit people.
a the centrist has appeared. leftists, nazis...same thing.
keep telling that to yourself. just because they dont act like what you consider a goon doesnt mean they arent. we have this saying: if 9 ppl sit at a table and 1 nazi sits down with them and none walks away, bam, you have 10 nazis. so.
i think it was a chance wasted by palestine...again...by choice...of their leaders. very sad.
when was taiwan ever chinese?
fatah is secular or a better start? fatah hooked up with putin. fatah can go die right away.
because lennart poettering is an asshole.
or sell thüringen and bayern to the lowest bidder...would work for me.
but what about 1200 bc? /s
screw china.