
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Often, it's not really the "old games" but the "not the marketed shit". One of my favourite gems is Outward. It looks and feels a bit clunky, but you breathe love and passion for making games on every corner.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Definitely try solo stuff with plugy. I installed D2 for a nice bnet session of baalruns but bnet was a bit riddled fuckhole. I tried plugy before uninstalling and it got me hooked on solo play for 3 more years.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago

Und dann kommt die CDU, die nur noch Schlagworte mit sehr viel Interpretationsspielraum auf ihre Plakate knallt.


Ah. Wow. Ja dann?!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Weil Prozesse auch bei großen, tollen IT Unternehmen manchmal wirklich gruselige Scheiße sind.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Habe Grade ein Update machen wollen, aber einmal mehr darf ich mich durch die Wolfi dependency Hölle arbeiten. Nur um dann in ein paar Tagen alles wieder aus dem OpenSUSE Feed zu beziehen. :(

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago

Wer sich den Führerschein nicht leisten kann, kauft sicher auch keinen Neuwagen und ist deshalb uninteressant für die Autolobby. Würde Lindner hier tätig werden, würde er Geringverdienern helfen, ohne dass es der Autolobby nützt. Ehr friert die Hölle zu.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Na Überraschung. Deutsche Bischöfe klüngeln mit dem Synodalen Weg rum und Papst und Vatikan erteilen dem ganzen mehrfach eine Absage. Wie konnte es nur sein, dass die jetzt wieder dagegen sind?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Thinking they haven't gone too far is not the same as thinking they haven't gone far enough, so no. Not an alternative Title.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I wasn't sure about the state of Slowroll. In terms of stability, Tumbleweed ist absolutely fine. It's the less frequent, but not super low frequent update cycle that's interesting to me. I could always just ignore updates on TW, but I've got the urge to run the updates if there are any.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

It's available, but still experimental I think.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I'm running TW and it's great. If you don't want a rolling release, OpenSUSE created Slowroll, that is supposed to release major updates every one or two months, which would probably be my go to if I were to start over.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I have stopped giving even the slightest fuck about Ubisoft games. There are way more games than I have time. It's just another filter for what to play next.



in Ermangelung an sinnvolleren Communities und weil hier immer alle so universalgebildet sind und es irgendwie im weitesten Sinne auch EDV ist, versuche ich es mal hier:

Unser Raumthermostat hängt daneben. Es ist ein Landis & Staefa (Siemens) Rev22. Die Einheit als solche scheint noch Daten zu senden, aber das Bedienelement ist hinüber.

Das Rev22 habe ich weder bei Kleinanzeigen, noch in Onlineshops, noch bei unserem örtlichen Heizungsbauer kaufen können. Für einen Alternativgerät soll ich beim HB 150€ (nicht smart) bezahlen. Das finde ich relativ teuer, wenn ich bedenke, dass ich smarte Alternativen bereits für die Hälfte bekommen könnte.

Wenn ich Ahnung hätte.

Ich habe absolut keinen Plan, worauf man achten muss. Google ich die Komponenten wie Heizung oder das Thermostat, werde ich mit Links zu online Handbüchern und Datenblättern erdrosselt, aber die helfen zumindest mir irgendwie nicht weiter. Im Bereich Heizung scheint irgendwie immer alles nur auf ein nebulöses "Kommt drauf an" hinauszulaufen. Auch beim HB bekomme ich darauf diese Antwort und darüber hinaus keine verwertbare Information.

Also, vielleicht könnt ihr mir helfen. Woher weiß ich, welche Raumthermostate in Frage kommen? Auf welche Bedingungen "kommt es drauf an"? Oder könnt ihr mir vielleicht sogar eins vorschlagen? Wenn es preislich drinsitzt, hätte ich auch gerne ein smartes, um das ggf in meine Home Automation aufznehmen. Aber erstmal will ich diesen hässlichen, halbkaputten Kasten in meinen Wohnzimmer loswerden.

Anbei noch Fotos von meiner Heizung und dem, was von dem Thermostat noch übrig ist.


Translation by google:

We are a generation that I didn't want to miss or swap...

A generation that went to school and came back on foot or by bike in wind and weather without E.

A generation that has done its homework quickly in order to be playing on the streets as soon as possible.

A generation that spent all their free time outdoors. A generation that played hide and seek when it got dark and built huts in the woods.

A generation that made mud cakes and collected white pebbles and had competitions in spitting plums and cherry pits.

A generation that collected marbles.

A generation that made paper toys with their own hands.

A generation that loved rubber twists for hours.

A generation that collected photos and albums. .

A generation that recorded music cassettes with their favorite songs from the radio and still knows that tape salad could sometimes be saved with a pencil.

A generation that grew up with standing blues parties and kissing.

A generation that naturally preferred to grow intoxicating medicinal plants with their parents' ok effect themselves and was able to stop experimenting.

A generation that had parents and grandma and grandpa, not old people.

A generation that secretly read books under the covers before going to bed or wrote in diaries with a small padlock and laughed or cried softly so that the parents would not know that we were still awake.

A generation that spent the whole summer together at the lido, in a clique with friends.

A generation that played badminton outside in the evenings.

A generation that swapped poetry albums.

A generation that thought television was stupid and preferred to be nonsensical and talk and discuss with each other.

A generation that could eat and tolerate anything.

A generation that was interested in many things, wanted to try them out and be able to do them.

A generation that learned and was able to cook, bake, knit, crochet, sew, style mopeds and repair cars.

A generation that still wanted to be husband and wife.

A generation that just put the phone down so they couldn't be reached.

A generation that visited each other without making an appointment and just rang the doorbell and spent time together.

A generation that met to watch their favorite series together.

A generation that had best friends at home who understood you when you had problems.

A generation that could drive a car before driving school started.

A generation that skipped school to be undisturbed with their first love.

A generation that sadly will never come back like this.....we enjoyed youth and were excited for the life ahead.

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