
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 30 points 2 months ago

If you did get a seriously large lump of cash… after a settling in period a lot of changes will happen, and you will be happy they did (IMHO).

The reason is that one of the biggest gifts that wealth gives you is TIME. A lot of the day to day crap that the rest of us need to deal with just evaporates. No need to shop (there are people for that). Want to travel… people will organise everything. There will be no waiting in lines at airports, at restaurants, at government offices… there are people for that. Someone to clean, someone to pick up the kids (unless you want to of course), someone to cook, holidays on a fuck-off huge yacht with crew to manage everything, or just to zip to Paris for the weekend.

You will probably really appreciate not having to deal with most of that crap. Also, while you probably don’t want a stupid large house, you do want privacy and so will want to get a house on 1000 acres in a gorgeous landscape (plus perhaps apartments in various cities that you like).

Imagine moving from a food insecure lifestyle to a secure lifestyle where food, safety, housing is always there. Would you want to keep your old food-insecure lifestyle? No. Same with going from a food secure lifestyle to a time-and-resource abundant lifestyle.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago

I second the advice to switch to a different/previous/known good kernel. That has been the cause a most boot problems for me. I just had it happen on a VM a couple of weeks ago, so I switched to the old kernel, then removed the new kernel. I’ll wait for another kernel before upgrading.

It’s probably worth scanning your disk just in case as well.


I’ve got Lockdown enabled on my mac. Most things are fine. But MS Office for the web is not.

For most web pages, you can select whether lockdown applies. I have done this for Office:

When looking at office in the browser, a red message appears in the top right “Lockdown Off”. But when the office web page shows, all the icons are blank:

I looked at the web page source - and can see that some material is being loaded from here:


I have also set this to be excluded from lockdown. But that didn’t help.

Has anyone got MS Office for the web working under Lockdown Mode? Thx

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I have one, and they are great. But wasn’t there just a scandal about a recent firmware update that applied DRM to ink?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You probably did the right thing for headphones.

I’ve been looking for real data on the effectiveness of Sony’s MX5 vs Max vs others - specifically I want to see how well they do passive and ANC across the frequencies we are exposed to. And Verge have come through with this video: https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/31/23852241/we-took-six-pairs-of-headphones-and-a-dummy-head-on-the-subway

Its a good video, but its also got real data from some experts. If you are TLDW - then skip to the end for a table from the experts.

The Sony MX5 are head and shoulders above the rest (with the max second in most categories).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I know it was a sorta joke… but I had to find out if it was true.

This link: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/AirPods+Max+Teardown/139369 provides an awesome breakdown on the contents and lots of X-rays.

It turns out the answer is no, although both batteries are in the right ear cup, and ifixit never do figure if there is a counterweight in the other ear. There’s just a gap.

And yeah… adding that weight was a crappy move and very un-apple IMHO. Their products should stand on their own and not require gimmicks like that. Having said that, this is Beats. Analysis showed that their products cost as little as $18 to make (including parts and assembly) - talk about cheap overpriced crap. The other few hundred dollars per set is marketing, distribution and profit. Shows what celebrity endorsements can get you.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

And heavy. The Max’s are quite a bit heavier than competitors.