It's still a good translation, and faithful to the original text
Try New World Translation
Are you getting married with your best friend? Or did your friendshipe end when you married?
we can't? /s
But if a = 0
then PiZZa = PiZZ * 0 = 0
clones a git repo
dwm has a tiling layout in any case, and most TWMs do too, so there's no real reason to leave your TWM, even if you need/want foating windows.
I think they're talking about the tandem of tiling and workspaces, as usually you can customize your tiling per-workspace. Some TWMs have tags instead of workspaces, making it even better.
I save every meme I see and then show them ALL to my people, whenever they understand them or not.
Well, to choke on the toys inside you have to open it, clearly differencing it from the food. If that's dangerous then kids shouldn't have toys at all.
for a hotkey listSuper+P
for rofi-show run
for a scratchpad withprofanity
for a scratchpad withcmus
for a scratchpad with notesSuper+~
for a quake termIn the files tag I run terms and Thunar, in the web tag qutebrowser and everything else in the term tag.