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[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago (1 children)

There's a few things going on. At first blush, I agree with you. The vast majority of that stuff doesn't need to be captured.

But if you don't capture everything, how do you know you got the stuff that will be important or wanted in the future?

Also, historians are going to find that data to be an absolute gold mine. Unfortunately, a lot of it is in the form of video now and takes a ton of storage space.

I think, in the end, most people are not willing to pay the price to archive everything. But some are, and they're doing it.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 3 days ago

Any time I see the word "exclusive" I know it's a crap article. Yes, your own writers only write for you. That's not what "exclusive" was supposed to mean for journalism.

Being unable to come to an agreement isn't "exclusive" news. No shit. It's not even article-worthy.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Honestly, free-2-play economics are so baffling that nothing they do surprises me.

There's a Genshin Impact McDonalds collab where you have to buy a very specific happy meal to get some in game wings (which I very much want) and some other garbage. I actually considered just buying the meal and giving the food to someone else (homeless?) because I can't eat that crap on my diet. But instead, I settled for telling everyone around me that I want the code if they get one, and I'll just hope.

How does that help Genshin Impact? I imagine it helps in the same way as this nonsense physical copy. People get excited about physical copies, even in normal boxes, and they get excited about exclusive items that can't be obtained any other way. That pulls in a little money directly from the sales of the plastic, but it also creates a ton of buzz around the game like this whole thread.

I think. As I said, it's pretty baffling. I have to file it under "there's no such thing as bad PR" most of the time.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

I don't think they meant "you" you. They meant "you" in the general sense. They're saying that people either love it or hate it, with not very many centrists.

I'm not sure that's true, though. I think, like you, most people are either centrist, or have no opinion at all. The vocal people go all one way or the other, though... Except you for some reason. :D

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The disc is 100% trash. People that buy this want the cards, keychains, and (especially) the exclusive in-game items.

I am surprised that it doesn't also come with some in-game premium currency, though.

As for $40 in-game... That alone is going to net you some trash. You'll pull a lot more on the free gems you get just for exploring and playing. Sure, you could get a great character, but the odds are back-loaded so that you generally won't pull a 5-star in the first 70 pulls. $40 is like 40 pulls, maybe?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Props for using G1 characters, but...

That movement looks like some novice opened up UE4 or Unity and just threw the models in without adjusting anything... And it might even be worse than the default character controller.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

FTA: YouTube’s global head of health, Dr Garth Graham, said: “As a teen is developing thoughts about who they are and their own standards for themselves, repeated consumption of content featuring idealised standards that starts to shape an unrealistic internal standard could lead some to form negative beliefs about themselves.”

And while I'm sure this is true, this is a minority of people, and they should seek help for their problem. There are far more who benefit from hearing about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it.

They should already be hearing that stuff from their parents and teachers, but I have my doubts. And they're much more likely to listen to influencers than authority figures at certain ages.

But the whole thing is even more pointless. They're mostly influenced by seeing these beautiful people constantly on TV, movies, and Youtube, and thinking that they don't measure up to them. Simply stopping some health care videos is going to do nothing for the problem and only prevent videos with the information they need.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

First off, I think you're absolutely right about your right to disable "this nonsense". I support you in that.

But "this nonsense" is what makes games fun for me.

I'm not about struggling and finally overcoming.

I'm about having an adventure. It's the interactive version of a book, where I engage my brain a bit more and explore or solve puzzles, instead of the book just telling me the answers immediately. I enjoy gun fights in games, but I don't want to play them even twice. I want to win them and move on to more content. Losing a scenario doesn't make me feel even better when I win. It just drags me down.

I have enough things in my life that I've accomplished by struggle that I don't need it from games, too.

But again, if that's what does it for you, I think you should have it, too. There's no good reason you can't disable it, IMO. (Other than the devs just not providing the option.)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I think that's the point? They're saying that those coders will turn into prompt engineers. They didn't say they wouldn't have a job, just that they wouldn't be "coding".

Which I don't believe for a minute. I could see it eventually, but it's not "2 years" away by any stretch of the imagination.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Besides the other games mentioned here, there's also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiosity:_What%27s_Inside_the_Cube%3F . Read the completion section to see just how bad it was.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Back then, I think he has someone telling him "no" and filling out the rest of the game with sensible stuff.

Now, he just throws ideas at the wall (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiosity:_What%27s_Inside_the_Cube%3F ) and sees what sticks. Since he went on his own, he hasn't fully delivered a single game, and the ideas are wacky at best and horrible at worst.

And unlike Hello Games, when Molyneux overpromises, he doesn't spend years implementing every promised feature.

BTW, the exaggeration goes all the way back to Fable, the launch of which was plagued by lies that Molyneux and his team told about the state of the game and the features it would have. That doesn't mean it wasn't a great game, just that it wasn't what he promised.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago

Well, then there shouldn't be any hesitation about signing up for the better protections for the actors then.

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