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[–] [email protected] 1 points 35 minutes ago

Sometimes you’re in a social gathering that’s polite and one guy invited has a bug up his ass. Like, I have a guy in my social group who keeps joking that women are going to get forced to get pregnant. All the men in the group now vocally tell him it’s not funny. He’s not even weird in other ways that are noticeable.

I’ve also met full gown men who still love Rogan and believe the sentiment of the post. They are often kind of close minded and dumb.

Just be really grateful you haven’t had the misfortune to run into these members of society haha

(I agree with your sentiment about twitter. I never saw the draw)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

As a lawyer who has had meetings about our clients case hitting the news—they’re probably thinking about getting a narrative out there before the DA or some other agency does. There might not be an option to negotiate not talking to the media. This isn’t normal everywhere though.

As they say: If the facts aren’t on your side, pound the law. If the law isn’t on your side, pound the table.

I think the lawyer is pounding the table. It’s ok to hate lawyers for this. We will still defend you if you get in trouble even if you deservedly hate us haha

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

It follows the same line of thought when you apply it economically: all people are selfish so we can’t do X.

You know that experiment where a teacher ran a thought demonstration with their class in the 50’s? Each student is supposed to run a fake company and sell fake widgets on their fake class market. In the 1950’s the students quickly realized it was a competition to race to the bottom to sell as many widgets as possible for the least amount of cost.

It’s supposed to teach supply and demand of capitalism but also teach that humans will undercut each other in competition.

A teacher ran this in a post-bachelor accounting class I was in—and my teacher got really angry because none of us were doing the behavior he was expecting.

Instead of undercutting each other, we started to work together in a group to get the work done while keeping our independence as “separate businesses.” We each built different model companies to compete but didn’t do so in a way that harmed each other.

Instead of the teacher realizing that maybe our class didn’t naturally have a selfish competitive mindset—that maybe this was also a perfectly valid reaction to the experiment—we just got told we were “doing economics wrong.”

I don’t think it’s surprising that anecdotally we find many people who insist on brimstone religion to keep people in check also believe “people won’t work” and “people are selfish and bad” when it comes to shaping economic and welfare policy. Bowling balls full of horseshit.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (1 children)

Ain’t that the sorry truth? On one hand, I hope you’re right and that we have an after soon where we can enjoy forgetting haha

But — I remember protesting the Iraq war and I told my parent that this war didn’t make sense at all and I couldn’t stand for it. My parent was appalled. They literally cried and said that they were sorry to have a traitor for a child. Haha they hate the Iraq war now! Amazing!

Remember when Michael Moore got booed at his acceptance speech for some Hollywood award because he had the audacity to be like—yo this Iraq war shit is wrong and does not look like it’s based on anything? And even Hollywood BOOED him. Yanked him off stage!

Remember the little American car flags. On everyone’s stupid car windows?

You had to vocally support the troops if you were in public too. People who had become devoted to the Bush admin forced this in every conversation with strangers angling for a fight.

And we found out the Weapons of Mass Destruction were not real. They weren’t real. The have New York Times journalists that testified to admitted falsifying articles for the Bush Admin.

Looking back the atmosphere Then was a primer for Now.

The whole world stood with America and it was for a lie. When I was in Italy after 9/11, an entire restaurant stopped service because we were American and the restaurant expressed that they were with us and they felt deep grief for our country. Europe cried with us. Only to be betrayed 25 years later.

How do people who lived through these times forget these aggravating and tender moments? They don’t seem to remember and connect the dots.

I can only assume those who don’t make choices on principles stand for nothing. They base all their current attitudes on social hierarchy and nothing else. Mein Herz ist krank.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) (2 children)

Dude something very weird is going on on Reddit. I’ve been through it with them for 12 years and this is like nothing I’ve ever seen.

I finally deleted the terrible Reddit app when my feed was blasted with repeated comments that “Reddit is far left and the left are domestic terrorists.” Sorry what?

These very weird not based in reality comments are posted almost verbatim in every thread. These people usually never respond to conversation.

It’s very very weird

I think your prediction is probably spot on. Reddit already feels like incel 9gag with a bunch of Russians pretending to be American college students.

Edit: oh if that’s your optimistic take then oh wow haha I am staying here on Lemmy I’ll start posting too

[–] [email protected] 4 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

I have no idea what you’re about but just based on this alone I’d let you share my tire barricade

[–] [email protected] 7 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

I never understood WorldNews. I said back in November pretty plainly that Trump won and so I fear that America would eventually leave or attack NATO. I said I was afraid that Trump would side with Russia outright. That we would abandon our allies in the Pacific, too. That our inaction would create a gap for China to fill. That the gap might be big enough to embolden China who then might make moves on Taiwan.

And I was downvoted (which is fine) but the comments I got were kind of bewildering. The people who engaged with me were trying to convince me that Trump would never side with Russia and there is no evidence ever of this.

And of course here we are now. And all of these things are happening.

The whole Gaza thing you mention—I understand the outrage—but I wonder how much of it online was manufactured in places like Pics because of the election.

Seeing the conversations here on Lemmy makes me think…there’s something very weird going on on Reddit. I’ve rode out Reddit drama over the past 12 years. This is not the narwhal at midnight website. This is something very dark.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago


It kind of feels like tacking on the defund the police thing is so that headlines like this can be run. And Republicans then can be like “ohhh democrats DONT want to defund the police? Would you look at that! 😏”

When really, any resistance will be over the cuts to social entitlements and welfare as you helpfully pointed out.

I feel like I’m trapped in the SAW House and a bunch of people with me keep insisting it’s a normal house and we are waiting for the dinner party to start. And I keep screaming, The invitation said DONNER PARTY

Either way— thanks for writing that out for everyone it’s kind of you to take the time :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 22 hours ago

Awesome. This is really helpful and it gives me a good jumping off point. Thanks for all your help and for taking the time to give your knowledge to others

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Sorry but you seem knowledgeable. Is crown royal safe? If you don’t know don’t worry I’ll do research later. Thanks in advance

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Exactly. When it’s a loss of profit to the top it’s “boo hoo think of the workers.” And when it’s profit in surplus it’s “money for the top no money for the workers sry :)”

Thankfully many Americans are starting to see the pattern. The programming is insane and it’s a lot for most to break free from.

Like, you’re exactly right. If you’re worried about labor rights lobby to government for labor rights. Oh what’s that you don’t want that? You just want to guilt Canadians for protecting themselves?

It’s abuse tactics on an international scale. Fuck these assholes. Leck mich im Arsch.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I think you’re right. The statement from the Kentucky Distillers Association is absolutely meant to make you feel bad. It’s apologist slop that shifts the blame to potential foreign consumers.

It should be known that Kentucky’s largest city is deep blue and voraciously in favor of civil liberties and representative democracy. The Louisville subreddit had a thread on this and most people talking called the Association out for this terrible letter.

The general consensus in blue Kentucky is that: Feeling bad just enables the assholes like the Distillers Association. It’s unfortunate that those who tried to stop all this from happening will be hurt by the few who made it happen.

But as someone who will be personally be hurt and impacted by the loss of bourbon sales—give us hell. Don’t buy Bourbon. Don’t buy American. Thank you for not enable this bullshit.


Hey guys! First post here. I hope the movie link works.

I am a Ghost music fan. I’m printing myself, and my Nameless Ghoul friends, masks for the upcoming Summer 2025 Skeleta Skeletour.

This is a prototype mask before I start messing with the settings to custom fit everyone’s heads.

Mask Printed on an Adventurer 5M Pro with a 0.4 nozzle. Filament is PLA Kingroon Green/Blue/Red. Layer height is 0.2. Took about 2.5 hours or so—I print slower than the printer is probably capable. Spliced with Orcaslicer.

SLT file from creator EEKSEYE Papa Emeritus V Mask

Hope to post some of my other creations soon. :)

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