I knew about that being the reason for grammar mistakes, but I would never think about such illogical stuff
As a European, I will try and boycott usa companies as much as possible (very difficult) especially megacompanies like amazom, apple, google and M$. USA is too preponderant in our life, better choose European alternatives
Shouldn't it be from Kamala to you? Why the opposite?
I think voyager did it a little better with The Doctor, at least there was a reason why he was in the crew and was accepted as a person, but legally he was not
Strange New Worlds you mean?
That's not how language works, that's how culture works. Mrs and mr are referred to you, not relatively to your spouse. I am Mr John Smith, even if I'm married to Mrs Amy White. Amy is not Mrs Smith and John is not Mrs White. They are Mr Smith and Mrs White. In the usa for some reason it's custom that the woman changes surname to that of his husband, in many other places it was like that in the past but ia not anymore
That's a little sexist, don't you think?
Fairphone 3+ working really well for 4 yeats, but I feel it might be a little hit and miss, for example another person I know got more issues with fingerprint sensor and if it falls wrongly (like on the buttons, there might be issues you don't have otherwise
Don't forget the macrovirus, those were scary
I just got woooshed. My apologies.
It's an unambiguos female name in english maybe. OP might be from an english-speaking country, but you really can't make this sort of assumption on a global website
It's one of the least forgettable movie I've seen in a while (it's a good thing) and the concept is just so good because it's idiotic but at the same time completely true