Yeah. But Celsius refers to inside room temperatures. 0°C = yay, ice skating! 100°C = yay, sauna!
0°C means that weather starts to be icy and you need to be careful when driving.
20°C is mild warm. 30°C is hot. 100°C is sauna.
100°F broken sauna.
100°C sauna is fine.
mild in what way?
It doesn't even boil water.
Have you ever experienced 100f?
It's slightly above my core body temperature. So yes, literally I experience it all the time.
You can literally get heat exhaustion, and heat stroke from temperatures of 110f pretty easily
Sauna. It's literally boiled water. And it's pretty safe for average human.
How? I have cups in my kitchen, but no ozes.
What? 100°F is too mild. It doesn't even boil water!
I've always built my own PCs. And from my experience, it's worth not to be cheap on the parts. There is always a sweet spot or a special offer and the biggest task is to find it for each part.
If you're going to be cheap, you'll build a PC that lasts ~2 years.
Ich mache mir die Mühe. Danke für den Hinweis.
I have no problem with parties and companies influencing me. I have a problem with parties and companies that openly violate the constitution.
Is 50°F 50% cold or 50% hot?