Yes but a contained nightmare.
The article doesn't refer to violent offenders? Is this in the actual report from the truth telling commission?
What's your point here? The article you linked relates to a murder in Qld and seems to have nothing to do with the report from truth telling commission.
Sex Education is important
Underrated comment imo
I'm still not sure I get Lidia's arguments tbh. I agree with her on treaty and I honestly don't know why (other than being a pack of racists) we haven't implemented the recommendation of the royal commission into indigenous deaths in custody, I'm just not sure that voting the voice down is a good move or would even help get those things done. It could make Australia wake up to its past by giving it a shock, but just (maybe more) likely the referendum failing will empower racists.
Literally every one of my indigenous friends and colleagues that I've spoken to are voting no,
Did you forget what you wrote?
2 points:
- Anyone can say they have indigenous friends or have spoken to indigenous people. In fact Peter Dutton has been doing that this whole time. This is a largely anonymous forum so there's no reason to believe anyone who says "ah yeah I spoke to a guy."
- We have polling on indigenous peoples opinions on the voice. The people we surround ourselves with or we encounter in our daily lives are an insignificant sample size and subject to selection bias.
Ah, a contained disaster. Fair point.
Tbh dude this thread is going to be a shitshow.
I think it's worth basically ignoring anyone who says "I've spoken to indigenous people." In fact I would suggest anyone (for or against) who speaks to people around them and makes that judgment should consider consulting surveys/polls, rather than relying on their small circles as a sample size.
There's a lot of "it's probably concealed for a reason" type posts that I don't think I'd be seeing if this was the LNP.
Also how can Australians trust the government to make national security laws if they aren't informed on national security issues?
It would be good if scientists stopped publishing in closed access journals
The thing is, publishing your article as open access generally requires you as the author to pay upwards of $2k USD. I think I've seen some that are around 4k.
I guess the greens decided they couldn't get anything more out of Labor.