
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Not sure if it’s as applicable to your particular situation, but I’ve found “acceptance and commitment therapy” (ACT) to be a particularly effective therapeutic approach for myself.


So I have a big problem with trying to guess what other people are thinking, and letting that dominate what I think, instead of actually listening to my own instincts and opinions. It’s been a lifelong problem, but one I’ve really only started directly grappling with in the last year or so. I struggle a lot with figuring out what I want, and what I think for myself. So I often just wind up being heavily influenced by the people near me. I was wondering if anybody else here has gone through this and found something that helped them move past it. Ideally if you have a good book recommendation, that would be great!


I strongly identify with this meme 😛. Thought others here might as well. There’s this “paradox” of much preferring solitude much of the time while knowing you need other people in your corner in life.